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The bell rings and Katie and I shoot out of our seats in history class with Mr. Saltzman.

"Where's the fire, girls?" He asks as we fly down the aisle towards his desk.

"Mrs. Richardson posted her choices for junior choir." Katie replies excitedly.

I nod and smile while we pass him.

"Just don't run in the hallway, please." He smiles and winks at me.

"Sure." I call over my shoulder as we clear the doorway.

Once we're out of his sight, we take off running towards the auditorium. Mrs. Richardson had sent out an email to everyone that had tried out saying she had posted her list on a corkboard just outside the double doors.

Turning the hallway, I reach the list first. Katie squeals behind me.

"Well?" She asks impatiently while I scan the list.

I nod when I see both of our names.

"We got in."

She grins and squeals again. "I told you!"

Other students start to converge in the hallway, talking excitedly.

Katie grabs my hands and I follow her lead as she starts to jump up and down excitedly. I start to laugh as people start staring.

Someone bumps into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." We both say.

Turning to look, I recognize Bonnie, who stands frozen beside me and gaping.

"Bonnie? Are you okay?" I ask.

She blinks and seems nervous. "Yeah, I just..."

She glances at Katie who has turned away to talk excitedly to a few other students who must have made the cut, too.

Turning back to me, she grabs my arm and guides me a little ways down the hall.

"What happened?" I ask her quietly.

"I'm not sure. I felt something weird. When I touched you, it was like I touched magic." She replies in a whisper.

My eyes widen at her response. "What does that mean?"

She shakes her head. "I have no idea. It was there and gone in a second."

"Do you think it has anything to do with my birth mother?" I ask remembering the things Jack had told me about my birth parents and their terrible past.

"Who was she?"

"Magdalen O'Dwyer. I guess she was a witch who practiced dark magic or something. I don't know much about her."

"And, obviously your birth father was the werewolf."

I nod. "I was told they were both pretty terrible people."

She looks like she's thinking really hard about something.

Katie chooses this moment to interrupt us. "Hey, Bonnie. I was wondering where Devon disappeared to."

"Oh, hi Katie. I see you made choir again." Bonnie replies politely.

Katie nods happily. "I finally convinced Devon to join, too. You should come to our next concert."

Bonnie smiles. "I'd love to come and watch you guys perform. Just let me know when. I've got to get going. But, I'll call you later about that project I have, Devon."

I nod, knowing she's talking about me and my mother's witchiness.

"Okay. See ya." I reply as she walks off down the hallway.

Moon Baby [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 2 [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now