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Sheriff Forbes stands at a podium in the packed school gym next to an easel with Carol Lockwood's picture placed upon it as she speaks of the late mayor.

Students and faculty crowd the stands together lighting small candles in remembrance all around me where I sit beside Tyler. His face is tight and bare of any emotion. But knowing him as well as I do, I know he's struggling with even being here.

Part of me feels guilty as if I could have prevented any of this if I had just gone to pick her up when she called. The rest of me is heartbroken at the loss of another mother figure in my life, so I can only imagine the devastation he's going through.

"Carol Lockwood always said that togetherness in times of tragedy leads to healing. That one community is stronger than a thousand of its members. But, how does a community stay strong after losing its leader? Carol was so much more than just a mayor. She was..." Sheriff Forbes pauses in thought just as Tyler leans over and lights my candle with his own.

I try to meet his eyes but his lips tighten in a grim half smile as he looks away again. My heart breaks for the millionth time in the last couple of days. I wish he would talk to me instead of bottling up his emotions. We've barely spoken two words since the winter carnival and everything went to hell.

"... an open minded friend." Sheriff Forbes continues. "And a concerned mother. Taken from us too soon."

I reach over and take my boyfriend's hand in mine.

"By a terrible accident."

Tyler pulls his hand from mine making me turn my attention from the Sheriff once more. He's frowning and shaking his head.

"Screw this." He says quietly before standing.

"Ty?" I feel my heart falling into my gut as it continues to break for him, not only for the loss of his mother but his entire pack, who had apparently been slaughtered by Klaus.

He hands me his candle and walks off down the isle.

"Ty, wait." I whisper to his retreating back to no avail.

Sheriff Forbes gives him a sad smile as he leaves the gym and continues with her speech. Feeling eyes on me I turn to see Bonnie and Elena's worried faces. I just shrug at my friends and stare blankly down at the two burning candles in my hands as the Sheriff announces an interim mayor, Rudy Hopkins, and I recognize the name as Bonnie's mostly absent father.

Zoning out, I dont hear any of his words until people start to move around me. My first thought is to find Tyler. Hopefully he's had a moment alone to start coping with this new loss. I know it's going to be something that he won't ever get over. His mom was the last family member he had left.

After wandering the crowded halls in search of my boyfriend who had lost so much in barely a day, I start to get worried when I can't find him. Taking a deep breath, I pull out my phone because I know I can't be selfish about this. Tyler needs me so nothing else matters. This kinda trumps a friend's broken heart over a girl. So I dial Stefan knowing he can help.

"Hey." I say when he finally answers. "You missed a mandatory assembly. You do know what mandatory means, right?"

"Oh that's because I'm at a mandatory all alone drinking party." He replies.

"Really? Now you want to pull a me and start day drinking and skipping school?"

"My brother slept with Elena. Kinda puts a little bit of a damper on things."

"I'm sorry, okay. You know I hate all of this. It's a crap situation for you. But, Tyler is spiralling. I hate to say this, but death gets priority over a broken heart."

Moon Baby [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 2 [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now