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Pulling up to Katie's house, I turn off my truck and try to call Jack again. He's been avoiding me for days now, and it's unsettling.

Finally he answers but not in his usual cheery british way.

"Look, I'm sorry, alright. Will you stop calling me nonstop?"

"Only if you mean it. I was starting to get worried, J."

"Right. I'm busy. I'll talk to you later."

"Fine, cranky pants."

He responds by hanging up.

Shaking my head, I pocket my phone and grab my purse and homecoming dress from the passenger seat. I hurry up to the door and knock since her dad's car is in the driveway.

Almost immediately Katie answers the door looking flustered.

"Hurry up. Get in my room before my dad catches you in his trap."

"What?" I ask, as she pushes me down the hallway.

"You'll thank me later."

I look around and notice a completely different house inside. It's much cleaner and there has definitely been some remodeling done since I was here a few months ago.

"Woah! This is nice." I remark.

"Yeah, I know. That's half the problem. My dad's got a new girlfriend and wants to sell the house and move."

"What? No!"

She rushes me down the hallway and practically pushes me through her bedroom door.

"Yeah. After I graduate at least. So, we've got time. But, it's still so shitty." She shuts the door behind us.

"At least your bedroom is still the same."

She nods and throws herself on her bed.

"We're waiting until next summer to redo it. I swear I hate him. So, let me see your dress."

Katie sits up and all traces of anxiety over her dad are gone.

Setting my purse down on her vanity, I hold up the expensive black dress with rhinestones across the see through mesh top up for her to see.

"Wow! You said Rebekah Mikaelson got it for you?"

I nod. "Yeah. She's actually really cool."

"I thought you hated her."

Shrugging, I reply, "It's more her brother that I don't like. She was just a byproduct until I got to know her. But, I figured I should play nice since she's staying with us."

She nods before standing up and getting her sparkly blue strapless dress from the closet.

"I get it. Heather and I hated each other for years. Dad got real sick of us fighting and the pranks we played on each other growing up. But, we're sisters so it was mostly harmless."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get ready." I grin at her.

She returns the smile and moves over to her ipod sitting in the dock. She presses a few buttons and Kesha starts playing.

"Let's do it."

We spend the next few hours talking, doing our hair and getting ready for the dance. It's nice hanging out with Katie because she's nothing but human. When I'm alone with her I forget about werewolf me and I can just be Devon Bradford. We're just normal teenage girls that gossip, talk about boys and do stupid things.

Katie's enthusiasm about the dance is contagious and soon we're both ready to tear up the dancefloor and break some hearts. For the first time in weeks I feel normal.

Moon Baby [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 2 [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now