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When Jeremy and I arrive at the dance, I immediately pull him onto the dancefloor. The gym is packed and looks great. We have a lot of fun just joking around with each other.

We spend some time with Matt who is helping restock the snack table. I even manage to get him to dance with me for a few minutes. The night was off to a great start and there was no sign of any originals who might ruin it.

Finally when a slow song starts, Jeremy and I walk over to a table. He gets us drinks and that's when I notice Tyler and Caroline dancing slow and looking happy. My mood sours and I glare daggers into my drink. He's quite the actor. If I hadn't known better, even I would say they looked very much in love.

"What's Damon doing here?" Jeremy asks and I look up.

I try to shake off my anger over Caroline, and notice Damon with Stefan and Elena. The three of them suddenly look serious and start to walk out of the room.

"I don't know." I reply.

"I'm gonna find out." Jeremy says and heads off to follow them.

"And, here we go." I retort while following him.

He's walking with such a purpose he accidentally bumps into Bonnie's date. I've never seen him before.

"Sorry. Hey. Bonnie." He says slowly when he realizes it's her.

"Hi Bonnie." I smile at her hoping to ease the awkwardness of the situation. "Love your dress."

She half smiles back. "Thanks." She looks up at Jeremy and seems shocked. "Why are you still wearing your ring? Didn't Elena tell you?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I know all about Alarics. My sister stops hanging out with vampires, I'll take it off." He replies and moves off again.

I shrug at Bonnie in apology and follow him. Catching up to him, I grab his arm.

"Slow down, Jer. Tiny legs, remember."

He nods and takes my hand, which does nothing to help. He practically just drags me along behind him in the hallway.

We finally hear Damon, Stefan, and Elena's voices.

"The guy that we know is gone. Were talking about someone who not only hates vampires, but vampire sympathizers. Which makes one of his most obvious targets, I don't know, you." Damon says. I know he's talking about Alaric and meet Jeremy's eyes.

"What, you think he'd go after Elena?" Stefan asks.

"So, wait. What are you suggesting we do?" Elena questions Damon.

"I'm suggesting we put him out of his misery."

"What?" Elena gapes.

"No. No way in hell." Jeremy says as we finally reach the group.

"Oh, come on. It's what he'd want. It's a mercy killing." Damon argues.

"You are out of your mind." Jeremy glares at him.

I watch the exchange and frown. I love Alaric but we're not as close as he is with Damon, Jeremy and Elena so I feel like it's not my place to interrupt.

"Jeremy..." Elena starts.

Jeremy just holds his hand up to stop her. He shakes his head and turns away. We're still holding hands so I shoot a glance at Elena and Damon as I'm being tugged away.

"Jer?" I ask as he continues to pull me back through the gym.

He slows down just slightly. "I can't believe them. All three of them are crazy."

Moon Baby [Tyler Lockwood FF] Book 2 [[ON HOLD]]Where stories live. Discover now