Twenty Four.

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This new world I was living in was not for the faint of heart. Granted, I had barely left my room, let alone the Salvatore house except to retrieve some clothes and hygiene items.

My guidance counselor had called to check on me after hearing about Jeremy's death. After all, it was no secret to anyone at school that we were close. Had been close... But, she had informed me to take all the time I needed to grieve among other things adults tell you in times like these.

Besides the constant state of numbness that I knew was stemming from my grief, the worst part was Elena's lack of humanity.

All hours of the day and night, she would barge into my room waking me up or walking in on me in the shower. She 'borrowed' my clothes and makeup. Sometimes, she would even just walk in completely naked to talk to me about things weighing on her mind. Everything about her was driving me insane. I couldn't wait for her to flip her switch back on.

I knew one thing for sure. I couldn't stay here anymore. Without Jeremy and Tyler, I felt dead inside. And the longer I stayed here in Mystic Falls, I knew I wouldn't make it out in one piece.

I had sent Tyler an email telling him everything that had happened and what my plans were. But, there was no way to tell if he received it.

Fearing Klaus had been right, I had stayed away from everyone I cared about thinking my darkness would envelope my soul after everything had happened. I didn't want him to be right. I didn't want to go running to Jack or drown myself in alcohol this time.

Jeremy's voice echoed in my head everytime I reached for Damon's bourbon.

Sighing loudly, I rolled over in my bed only to see someone standing in my doorway I never thought I'd see again.

My eyes widened as I stared at her, thinking I was hallucinating.

"Hey, Devon. I think I owe you an apology." The brown haired girl spoke with a half smile.

My jaw dropped as I sat up. "You're really here."

She walked cautiously into my room to sit on the edge of my bed. "When I heard about Tyler leaving and what happened to your friend Jeremy, I thought you could really use a friend."

For whatever reason, I started crying and threw my arms around her. Lately I had been constantly on the verge of tears so I chalked it up to grief.

"Okay. I guess we're hugging." She laughed awkwardly.

Leaning back, I stared at her with tears falling down my face. "Hayley... I... I don't know what to say."

"Hi might work." She grinned. "Maybe where have you been? Why'd you stab me in the back?"

Grinning through my sniffles, I replied, "Honestly, I could care less. I always knew you had to have a good reason."

She shrugged and looked ashamed. "Still, I did you and Ty dirty. Real dirty. I'm really sorry. If I hadn't done any of those things I did, Mrs. Lockwood might still be alive."

I frowned. "It wasn't your fault. That was all Klaus."

She returned my frown. "I still played my part."


She smirked and leaned back. "Just like that? Last I knew, you held grudges like nobody's business."

I shrugged. "Losing people changes you. Besides, little orphan werewolf girls don't hold grudges against each other."

She laughed loudly at me.

"How'd you even know I was here?" I asked.

"Well, this is your house, right? I mean, when Tyler's not around you do live here." She glanced around, humor lighting up her face. "Klaus told me I'd probably find you here, actually."

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