|You're mine~|

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Reich is short, but his hat makes him tall.

Soviet, you need a taller hatH A C K   I spat up a furball~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Running. I was running. I wanted this goddamn war over, I wanted my peaceful life back. But no. I was being chased, and I was running. The Soviets and the Nazis, they wanted me, but for what reason, I do not know. My lungs were burning, my legs ready to give up, but I kept pushing through the thick snow lying on the ground.

I had been running for a few hours now, with five minute breaks every half an hour, thinking I had lost my pursuers. But they always managed to catch up. I just wanted to lie down and rest, but that wasn't an option. 'What does these people want me for?' I thought to myself. A horrible thought wriggled into my head.

'Do they want me for... their personal reasons..?' I shook my head, and slid down a small hill. There were prettier girls than me, I was average on the prettiness scale. Wouldn't they go after one of the beautiful maidens who lived in my town? Surely they would for their personal reasons.

It was beginning to go dark, and very soon, I wouldn't be able to see. I could still hear the occasional shell drop, and the sound of gunfire never ceased. My legs decided to give up at that moment, and I dropped to my knees. 'Let them take me,' I thought. 'I'm too tired...' I heard footsteps behind me, but I could care less. A strong hand wrapped around my right arm, and gently helped me to my tired feet. Another, harsher hand, latched onto my left arm.

"Отпусти ее, Рейх." (Let her go, Reich) A deep, Russian voice demanded. I blinked sleepily, and looked up. An angry looking face was glaring at the other person holding my arm. He had a flag for a face. Red, with a hammer and sickle imprinted on an eye patch covering his right eye. I twisted my head, ignoring the loud, cracking noise it made. The other male also had a red face, but had a white circle, and in the middle of that circle was a black swastika.

I grimaced, I knew these two countries. USSR and the Third Reich. If I wasn't tired, I would of shoved both of them away and risked being shot to save my dignity. "Mein lieber Freund, die UdSSR. Die Frau gehört mir und nur mir." (My dear friend, USSR. The woman is mine, and only mine). I got a bad feeling about that sentence. I wanted to run, and I didn't want to stop until I got to the English troops, or the French troops.

"P-Please.. let me g-go..." I pleaded, in a lilting, French accent. Third Reich leaned in close to my face, making me pull your head back. "My dearest (Y/N)," he said. "We cannot do that." If I wasn't so tired, I'd kick that idiot's smug grin off his face. "You're mine, all mine." He whispered, and was about to drag me away, when USSR shoved him away and held me protectively to his chest.

I was thankful for that, it was cold as fuck out here. "No, you're mine, (Y/N)." He said, glaring at the German, who was getting up and dusting snow off his uniform. "No, she's mine!" Reich snapped. "No, (Y/N) is mine!" USSR snapped back. The two argued about me for a few minutes. My fear about what these men could do to me evaporated. They were acting like children. I sighed, and waited till their argument died down.

They continued to argue, while I slowly drifted to sleep. 'Hopefully when I wake up, these two buffoons are nowhere to be seen and I'm with the English...' I thought, my eyes flickering closed. The warm, black blanket of sleep engulfed me, and I heard the Russian and German accented words of "You're mine~" in my ear, before I completely fell asleep.

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