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I'm pretty sure cats are sacred in Egypt
I mean, they used to be
But they're adorable, who wouldn't worship them?
Andddd... It's school holidays for me!
To the Americans, shame. You wasted all your holidays during summer, but us Kiwis and Aussies save our holidays and spread them out during the year
Expect more updates, since I literally have nothing to do

"Man, it's been ages since we've hung out! How have you been?" (Y/N) asked, plonking on one of the beanbags supplied by the cafe they were at. "Eh, I've been surviving. You?" He asked, sipping fizzy from a glass.

"I've been good! Sorry you waited for so long for me to get here, I was helping mum with this project." (Y/N) paused for a moment to sip her smoothie. "So, why'd you choose this cafe?" She asked. Egypt smiled. "You'll see."

For about 5 minutes, the two talked about their lives. Suddenly, a fluffy, Siamese cat with a long tail bounded up to them, and brushed against (Y/N)'s legs. She gasped, and put her glass down. "Aww, look how cute this little guy is! This is definitely worth the time I waited."

Egypt smiled, and picked up a Bengal cat that had wandered over, petting her. "This is one of my favorite cafes, I think you can guess why." He said, nuzzling the cat. "Aren't you a good girl?" Egypt asked, petting the fluffy animal.

(Y/N) smiled at this, and crossed her legs to let the Siamese sit in her lap. "It amazes me about how many animals come up to you. Remember Year 4? The police dogs came to school, and although the officers said the dogs don't like anyone but their owners, they came up to you and let you pat them."

Egypt grinned, remembering the memory. "I remember. That was funny! The police thought they know their dogs well, but it turns out they didn't." (Y/N) smiled, and continued sipping her smoothie, making room for all the other cats that came to lounge around and sit on her.

The two talked, for how long, they didn't know. "-And as much as I enjoyed it, I swear I saw a ghost!" (Y/N) finished, taking a long slurp of her smoothie and frowning. One of the cats got playful, and batted her hand. "Hey! That's hurts, y'know?"

Egypt chuckled slightly, then went back to pondering on (Y/N)'s story. "What did the supposed ghost look like? And, who is this... boy... you went with?" He asked. "The ghost. Hmm.. It was tall, transparent and terrifying as fuck. Well, for me. The boy? He's my boyfriend, (BF/N)!" 

Egypt's heart shattered into a million pieces. "Oh, really? When do I get to see the lucky guy?" He asked, easily hiding the heart break in his voice. "Hmm, maybe in a few weeks? I'm sure you guys will get along well." (Y/N) said, beaming and stroking the cats on her lap.

Egypt frowned slightly,and focused on the Bengal in his lap. The cat must of sensed his sadness, because she reached up with her paw, and gently pat his face, purring slightly. Egypt smiled a little, and sighed quietly. 'I wasn't expecting that... I left it too long, I should've just asked.'

"Egypt?" (Y/N) asked, waving her hand in front of his face. He snapped out of his thoughts, and looked up. "You okay? I didn't know a boy like you could get sad." She said, raising a brow. Egypt gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I was just thinking."

(Y/N) smiled, and nodded. "Alright. Oh, you must know a lot about cats. I'm thinking of adopting one, I need something fluffy and cuddly to love, you know?" She said. Egypt nodded, and sighed quietly. "Sure, what type of cat are you looking for?"

But, all Egypt was thinking...

I should've asked sooner..

Hopefully y'all knew what I was doing, and if you know what I was trying to do, feel free to comment it! Oh, anyone up for a Part II AND III? 

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