|One step closer|

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This was requested by LittleRat-_-
Spain's a yandere bean, (Y/N)'s a pretty girl
Spain's jealous of the countries that hang with (Y/N), and commits stabby crime
(Y/N) is a sad bean, Spain is a comforting boi

(Y/N) was sitting on the beach next to Mexico, chatting and laughing. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the ocean water gently lapped against the sandy shores. 

The two joked around, oblivious to the fact that a jealous country was watching them. That jealous country happened to be Spain. Spain had a thing for (Y/N), and desperately wanted to be with her, but other countries keep getting in the way...

Mexico's phone went off, and he looked down at it. "Dammit, America wants my help with something. Probably stopping that crazy president of his." (Y/N) giggled at this, and Spain's heart warmed. 'So beautiful..'

He watched as Mexico and (Y/N) stood up, hugged and said their goodbyes. Luckily, Mexico started heading Spain's way, (Y/N) to the nearby playground. I mean, who would blame her, the swings are awesome! 

Mexico passed the tree Spain was hiding behind, when he was knocked down. Mexico yelped, and tried pushing Spain off him. Spain slapped a hand over Mexico's mouth, grinning. "You're getting cozy with my precious (Y/N), and I don't like it." Spain snapped, pulling a knife from his belt.

Mexico's eyes widened in fear, and he kept squirming, trying to escape. Without hesitation, Spain slit Mexico's throat, and took his hand off Mexico's throat. "Y-You're going t-to hell..." Mexico managed to say, before his eyes closed and he stopped breathing. Spain spat on the body, used Mexico's shirt to clean his knife and left.

-That night-

(Y/N) was on the couch, knees up to chest and rocking. Her best friend had been found dead, with a slit throat. The news was still playing on the TV, about suspects, and witnesses. Apparently there was no witness of the murder, even though there were many people at the beach that day. (Y/N) choked back tears, when she heard a knock at her door.

"W-Who is i-it?" (Y/N) asked, in a miserable, shaky voice. It was quiet for a second. "It's Spain." The person replied. (Y/N) sighed, slid off the couch and trudged over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. Indeed, it was Spain. (Y/N) broke down crying, and flung herself at Spain, squeezing him in a hug.

Spain instantly hugged back, stroking her hair and whispering calming phrases. He grinned, although (Y/N) couldn't see it. 'One step closer.' He thought, watching the girl slowly falling asleep in his arms. 'One... Step... Closer...'

Ugh, this took so long, I'm sorry! I didn't really know how to start it, so I had to try three different beginnings before I finally settled on this one.

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