|In your memory|

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Uhm, sorry I've been inactive for so long...
I kinda lost inspiration? But don't worry, I'll be back with more
Uhm, this is hopefully a quick thing I can whip up in the morning before I leave for school
Hopefully it isn't shit

Soviet's POV
Rain. That was the only thing I could see or hear. I tiny sigh escaped from my mouth, the mist drifting in front of my face. My grip tightened on the bundle of roses I was holding, the thorns pricking through the shiny red and white cellophane.

Was it night or day? I couldn't tell. I'd lost my sense of time, ever since (Y/N) died... I pushed those negative thoughts away, and continued walking again, my boots crunching on the ice that had formed on the grass. Hopefully I hadn't forgotten where her gravestone was, or hopefully it hadn't been moved.

My luck, it was still there. I stood at the foot of the mound of dirt. The only thing different about it, was that beautiful Bleeding Hearts the were growing around the marble gravestone. Ukraine must of come here. He loves Bleeding Hearts.

Water slipped down my cheeks. Was it rain or tears? I didn't know. I sat beside the marble gravestone, and rested the bundle of ruby red roses against it. I smiled shakily. "Hey, (Y/N).." I said, crossing my legs.

Third POV
The ex-country let out a sigh, and leaned against the gravestone. "How have you been? I hope you've missed me, because I've missed you." The rain continued to fall, the man was answered with silence. But Soviet appreciated the silence.

He kept talking, about his kids, work, the countries. As he talked, the soft rumble of thunder filled the air. Soviet smiled a bit. (Y/N) loved thunderstorms. She said they calmed her down, and helped her think. Now he thought about it, Soviet had to agree.

After Soviet had told her everything that'd happened over the past month, he sighed. "If only you were still here.." He whispered. A meow made him look up. A black and orange cat sat on the top of the gravestone.

Soviet blinked slightly, and looked at the cat's eyes. They were the same shade of (E/C) as (Y/N)'s eyes. Soviet raised a brow, and held out a hand for the cat to sniff. The cat ignored the hand, and jumped on Soviet's shoulder, rubbing its forehead against his cheek just under his eyes, as if it were drying his tears.

"Aren't you a beauty..?" Soviet asked, petting the cat's surprisingly dry fur. The cat meowed again and sat down on his shoulder, purring right next to his ear. It suddenly dawned on Soviet that (Y/N) loved cats, and she always wanted a cat that looked just like this one.

It was silent for a moment. "(Y/N)..?" He asked, moving his head so he could look at the cat. The cat moved its head in a way which made it look like it was nodding. So that means the cat's a girl, and (Y/N)'s reincarnated. 

Soviet smiled, and kissed the cat's still dry forehead, before standing up. The cat draped around his shoulders, purring against his neck and warming him up. Soviet began walking home, one of his big hands resting on the cat's back.

As he walked, he swore he could feel his broken heart, starting to heal again.

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