|It all started with Truth or Dare|

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Requested by EmeraldFanfix
UwU, I hope you enjoy it
I ain't spoiling what's gonna happen
I also feel happy that I've got SOOOO much done
Lmao, don't quote me on that
But yeah!

It all started out as a harmful game of Truth or Dare. It always does, in these cases. Anyways, the whole plan of playing this Truth or Dare game was to get (Y/N) and Sweden together. Practically EVERYONE knew about Sweden's crush on (Y/N). But, according to fanfiction rules, the reader mustn't know. (Get me some damn FlEx Tape-) 

"Sweden! Truth or Dare??" Japan asked, and everyone leaned forward. Sweden frowned slightly. "Dare..." He said slowly. Japan giggled, and rubbed her hands together like one of those damn flies. "I dare you.. To go camping with (Y/N) for a week." Sweden blinked. "Okay, that's not so bad." Both him and (Y/N) said, before glancing at each other.

"Uh uh uh, I'm not done yet." Japan said. "Oh, sweet Jesus.." (Y/N) muttered. "You have to share a tent, bed and blankets. And you have to sleep in what you normally sleep in. Sweden, that means no shirt. (Y/N), you better wear that sports bra and booty shorts." 

"WhAt?" (Y/N) asked, her voice cracking. Sweden's face heated up just by picturing her in a bra and booty shorts. "You heard me! Now get packing! We'll sort food!" Japan exclaimed, before grabbing the two Korea's hands and dragging them to the kitchen.

Sweden sighed, and got up, holding out a hand for (Y/N). "Come on, we'd best get pacing." He said, hefting (Y/N) up when she grabbed his hand. "Thanks!" She chirped, smiling at him and dusting off her butt. Sweden's skin tingle where he soft hand had just been, and he shoved it in his pocket. "N-No problem."

👌Timeskip because I said so👌

(Y/N) and Sweden sat by a flickering campfire, drinking hot chocolate and chatting. The soft trickle of water nearby made the scene peaceful, a scattering of fireflies giving the place a romantic feeling.

"What do you think made Japan think of this camping trip dare?" She asked, taking a sip of her hot chocolate. Sweden sipped from his own cup to hide his embarrassment. "I don't know. Maybe so we can get to know each other a bit better?" He said, not willing to tell her the truth just yet.

(Y/N) hummed, and leaned back into her chair. "The night's beautiful. I can see the stars, they're so pretty." She said, her eyes sparkling as she watched the stars. "Not as beautiful as you.." Sweden whispered to himself. "Hmm?" (Y/N) hummed. "Nothing.."

It was silent for a while as the two watched the stars. "We should head to bed now.. It's 11:23." Sweden said, standing up and stretching. (Y/N) agreed, before putting the fire out so they didn't cause any forest fires. "How hot is your drink?" She asked.

"Not too hot." "Wanna chug it?" Sweden grinned. "Yep. Three, two, one.. Chug!" The two chugged their hot chocolate. (Y/N) was the first one to finish and she held up her mug in victory. Sweden finished a second later, and pouted. "Aw, dang it." 

(Y/N) grinned. "It's alright." She said, patting him on the head, before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the tent. The girl pushed him in, making him trip over his feet and plonk on the mattress face-first. "Oops, you okay?"

"Yep, I'm good!" Sweden exclaimed into the pillow, making an 'Okay' sign with his hand. (Y/N), being the silly little prankster she was, shoved a finger in the hole made with Sweden's fingers. Sweden looked up, and grinned stupidly.

(Y/N) gave him a cute little smirk, before zipping the tent up and pulling her shirt off, plonking next to him. Sweden blinked, then remembered Japan said where what they normally wore to bed, so he pulled off his shorts and shit, before snuggling into the blankets.

"Night, (Y/N)." "Goodnight, Sweden." The two rolled over in separate ways, and fell asleep.

Timeskip because yes

Sweden yawned, and blinked open his eyes, to find (Y/N) snuggled up to him, smiling slightly in her sleep. Sweden's face heated up, and he tensed. 'Fuck, what do I do?! Uhhhhh-' He grimaced slightly at his stupidity, then wrapped his arms around her.

(Y/N) instantly snuggled closer, resting her chin on his shoulder. Sweden calmed down, and closed his eyes again, yawning. 

This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

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