|Flower crowns|

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Look at the picture

He looks so cute!I want that hoodie tho..Please give~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ukraine's P.O.V
So, here I was, sitting in a field of flowers with a little girl by the name of (Y/N). I may or may not of agreed to take care of Russia's kid for the day while he discussed 'important matters' with dad.

So, why am I sitting in a field of flowers? Because (Y/N) wouldn't stop pestering me to teach her how to make a flower crown. Right now, the little girl was running around, collecting long stemmed flowers for me so I could teach her. It was nice to see my niece enjoying nature like this, since I knew Russia got pretty caught up in work and couldn't take her out as much.

"Uncle Uki, I collected some flowers!" (Y/N) exclaimed, trotting back over to me. I smiled, and waited as she sat in my lap and got comfortable. "Alright, miss. Watch carefully." I instructed as I picked one of her flowers, and made a small slit in it with my thumbnail. I couldn't help but notice the bright face of (Y/N) as I carefully wove the flowers together.

When I finished making the flower crown, I rested it on (Y/N)'s (H/L, (H/C) hair. "Whoa, thanks Uncle Uki!" She exclaimed, beaming up at me. I smiled back down at her, and started making another one.

Timeskip brought to you by Arizona (My OC) screeching Old Town Road with Murica

I made my way home, a sleeping (Y/N) in my arms. She wore about three flower crowns on her head, with two hanging around her neck. I shifted the sleeping girl, and fumbled to put the keys in the lock.

The keys finally went in, and I unlocked the door. The lock made a small click, and I pushed open the door. Russia was dozing in a chair, a book on his face. I closed the door, causing Russia's head to jerk upwards, the book falling off his face.

"Oh, thanks Ukraine.." He mumbled, getting up and coming over to take the girl from my arms. I smiled at Russia. "No problem, bro." Russia grinned tiredly back, then went upstairs to tuck the girl into bed.

After a little while, Russia came back down the stairs. He made a beeline for me, then hugged me tight. "Thanks, bro.. I mean it." He released the hug. "Could you look after her tomorrow? Dad needs me again tomorrow..." I shrugged. "Sure, (Y/N)'s great fun to hang out with."

My older brother grinned, then head locked me and gave me a noogie. "Thanks." He said. I wriggled out of Russia's grip, and rolled my eyes up at him. "You still treat me like a kid." I said, then slapped Russia friendly on the back, then went up to my room. I couldn't wait to spend more time with my niece tomorrow.

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