|Act like a lady|

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I'm fine
Perfectly happy...
Don't worry
A little something for you guys
Sorry for not updating
Please don't hate me..
Mentions of self harm, self loathing, judging people and suicide mentions(?)

"I'm o-okay... E-Every-Everything's okay..." (Y/N) shakily whispered, dragging the already bloodied razor across her red, cut-littered arm. Her neat, navy blue uniform had little spots of blood on it, but the girl didn't realize. She didn't even care at this point.

"A-Act like a l-lady... S-Sit straight... Be p-proper..." (Y/N) whispered, her posture straightening as she continued to drag the blade across her arms. Her dewy tears rolled from her (E/C) eyes, down her red cheeks, only to splash onto her bloody arm.

The girl put the razor back into her small jewelry box, and dried her tears. She put the box back on her dressing table. When (Y/N) paused, she could see her arm shaking from the blood loss. She was beginning to feel dizzy, but she remained on her feet.

There was a gentle knock on her door, which made her hastily pull down her navy blue sweater. (Y/N) sniffed slightly. "Y-Yes? Who is it?" She asked, taking a seat at her desk and quickly getting her homework out. "It's your dad." "O-Oh! Father, what can I do for you..?"

America, who was standing outside the door with Russia, Canada, New Zealand and Aussie, frowned slightly. "Are you al-" "I'm fine..! Just... A sad video I watched." She replied, closing her eyes and rubbing away some more tears. "Alright... Well, uh.. Do you want to go get ice-cream with us?" He asked.

"I... I'm good, thank you." She said. "I have a lot of studying to do.." The five countries outside her door exchanged looks, but shrugged. "Alright..." America said, before backing away from the door, and following the others down the stairs.

The next day at school...

"(Y/N)! Sit straighter! Ladies should have slouched postures!" Miss Everdale snapped, smacking her ruler on (Y/N)'s desk, making a loud 'SNAP!' on her desk. (Y/N) barely flinched as she sat straighter. "And smile." Miss Everdale said, to be greeted by a small, delicate smiled. 

"Good enough. Now, pull your chair out and show me how you sit." (Y/N) obliged, pulling her chair out, before sitting down, her knees and feet pressed together, and tilted slightly. Her back was as straight as she could get it, her head tilted back a bit, her hands in her lap.

"Hmm... Good posture. You're improving. Finally, my prayers have been answered you're acting like a real lady." Miss Everdale said, smiling. (Y/N) smiled slightly, before putting her chair back. "We just have to work on your hair.." Miss said. The other girls in the room glanced at (Y/N)'s unruly (H/L), (H/C) hair, and grimaced slightly.

The bell rang at that second, making the girls push their chairs back and pick up their books and notes. "Remember, I want that homework by tomorrow! Work on your postures, especially you, (Y/N)." Miss Everdale said.

"Yes, Miss Everdale." The girls said in unison, except for (Y/N). Her shaky voice would give her feelings away, and ladies were 'not allowed' to cry. She sighed, and waited for the other girls to leave the classroom.

(Y/N) left the class shortly after, and walked briskly down the hall to her locker, quickly putting in the pin and collecting her other papers, putting them into her bag. She grabbed her spare hair brush, took out the ribbon holding her hair, gave her tough hair some hard, strong strokes, before tying her hair up again.

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