Chapter 6 (drinks)

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Catalina's POV-

It didn't take much of an effort to get into the club, the bouncer didn't even ID me. I walked in, and some guys were already staring at me.

"Well I'm going to get some shots, who wants?" Asked Calum

"Me, I will come with" I said.

"Ok come on" said Calum.

We made our way to the bar.

"6 tequila shots please" said Calum.

The bar tender gave me 3 and Calum 3

I didn't hesitate to drink all of mine. I miss the whole party scene. This was my life every day. Sometimes Callie and I even went to school drunk.

"Woah, someone's looking to get fucked up tonight" said Calum.

"As always" I joked.

"Can I get a jack and coke?" I asked the bartender.

"Would you like one to?" I asked Calum.

"Uh yeah make that 2 please" Calum told the bartender.

He handed me my drink and his number. He was attractive but he was like 30 so not happening.

I took the drink and walked away, but left his number on the bar counter. Sorry not sorry.

I made my way to find the other boys, but the only one who I found was Luke, but he was grinding with some girl.

I turned around to find Calum, but he was still at the bar. Not going back there yet.

I took a few sips of my drink, and some boy came up to me, he looked to be around 20, 21 maybe.

"Hey wanna dance?" He asked me


I made my way to the dance floor with him, and we danced and grinded to the beat. We did that for a few songs, but then I had to pee.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I told him

He wasn't letting go of me. What the fuck?

"Dude, either let me go now, or I pee on your face" I said, getting angry with him.

"I'd rather have you sit on my face babe" he slurred.

Great, drunk rapist.

I twisted his thumb, and poured my drink on his pants.

"Should've let me go" I said before walking away towards the bathroom, only to come across a huge line. Fuck that.

I turned my head and saw no line by the men's room, eh whatever. If you got to pee, you got to pee.

I made my way to the men's room, went into a stall and peed. I got a few weird looks from guys on the urinals, but I don't really care.

When I made my way out of the stall I bumped into Michael and Ashton... Awkward.

"Why the fuck are you coming out of a stall in the men's room?" Questioned Michael.

"Ummm did you see the line for the woman's bathroom? I wasn't about to wait on that" I replied.

"Whatever just stay with us for the rest of the night, don't need you dancing with any more creeps" said Ashton

"You saw that?" I asked them.

"Yup" replied Michael.

"What a total waste of a good drink" I said.

"I will go back to the bar with you and get you some more drinks, right after we pee" said Ashton.

Ashton's and Michael peed, then we left the men's room and made our way over to the bar.

The bar tender from before was gone thank god. Now it was some lady in her mid to late thirties.

"Six shots of vodka" I told the lady.

She gave them to us, and we each downed two.

"Six more please" said Michael.

I downed my next two, and ordered a vodka and redbul drink.

That was seven shots, half of a jack and coke, and now a redbul vodka. Let's just say I was already starting to get drunk.

Go follow my wattpad Twitter account @sabrina_wattz (flying5sauser) please, and Thankyou!

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