Chapter 20 (jesus)

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Catalina's POV-

I woke up this morning, and decided to take a shower. I grabbed my black high waisted short shorts, and my British flag crop top, and made my way into the bathroom.

I got in the shower, did my thing, got out, towel dried my hair, got dressed and headed down stairs.

I figured Ashton, Calum and Michael would be here, but nope. Luke, and Niall. Niall Horan is in my house, no biggy.

"Hey Luke, hey Niall" I greeted them

"Oh hey cat" greeted Niall.

"Cat, I've got some bad news for you" said Luke.

"Well that don't sound good" I stated the obvious

"I talked to Ashton this morning, and he said that he likes you" said Luke.

"Wait really? Wait... How is that bad news?" I asked trying not to smile like a little school girl.

"Because there's more. He doesn't want to jump into dating you because he wants to give you time, considering you just went through a rough break up" said Luke.

"Jason? I got over that when I egged his car!" I told him.

"Wait, you egged your exes car?" Asked Niall.

"Yes but he deserved it, believe me" I told him

"Woah, what did he do to deserve that?" Niall questioned.

"He came over the night of my dad's funeral, and we were sharing a tub of ice cream. Then he started trying to have sex with me and I rejected him, so he left and cheated on me with the biggest slut in school. But wait it gets better. When I called him and confronted him about it, he told me that he couldn't be with me anymore, because he can't date a FAT girl who rejects him" I told Niall.

"You know what?" Asked niall

"What?" I asked back

"I would've egged that fuckers car to" he said.

"Wait, this was on the night of dad's funeral?" Luke asked

"Yup" I confessed.

"Wow, I hope that slut gave him chlamydia" said luke

"Oh my god, that's exactly what I told him when I confronted him" I laughed.

"So you are completely over Jason?" Luke asked me,

"Yes, I mean I was sad at first, but I got over it" I stated the truth.

"Wait I'm confused, her and Ashton like eachother?" Asked Niall

"Apparently" said Luke.

Niall looked some what upset about that.. I wonder why. Oh well, it's probably nothing.

"I thought they were all coming over today" I told Luke, remembering what they said last night.

"Yeah, they are. just not till later" said Luke.

"Harry and louis are coming over to" said Niall.

"Cool, what about Liam and Zayn" I asked

"They are with their girlfriends" Niall informed me.

"Oh fun, well I'm going to go finish getting ready" I said while getting up and heading up the steps.

"Aww trying to look pretty for Ashton?" Teased Niall

"Psshhhhh pshh NO... It's for ummm, Jesus, yeah Jesus" yeah cat, nice save, you were born to lie...

"Ok well go get ready, don't want to keep Jesus waiting" said Luke.

"You know what?" I asked

"What?" Said Luke.

"Silence!" I shouted at him, causing Him and Niall to laugh and me to stop up the steps.

There is nothing wrong with getting cute for your crush. NOTHING

I went up stairs, grabbed my makeup, blow dryer, and curling wand, then got to work.

I blow dried my hair, and put it half up half down, like how Ariana grande does it. I curled the ends with my wand, and sprayed lots and lots of hair spray.

When I was done with my hair, I applied my concealer, foundation, and blush. Then I applied shimmery eye shadow, liquid eyeliner, and mascara, really making my blue eyes pop. Last I added dark red lip stain, and raspberry eos Chapstick.

All the sudden I heard noise coming from downstairs, and the front door close.

That was my cue to go down stairs, I made sure I looked presentable once more, and was happy with how I looked, so I made my way downstairs.

All the boys said hello and I greeted them back..

"Well don't you look pretty today" said Ashton

"Well she obviously got all pretty for me, I mean check out the shirt, british flag, good job being subtle about it" said Harry.

"Actually you wrong, she did it for Jesus" joked Niall.

I playfully swatted his shoulder, and he laughed along with Luke, when the rest of the boys stood there having no idea what was going on.

"Alright well umm, you still look pretty" said Ashton.

"Yeah weather you are trying to impress Harry, or Jesus" said Michael.

Ugh I hate them all!

Go follow my wattpad Twitter account @sabrina_wattz (flying5sauser) please, and Thankyou!

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