Chapter 36 (he still likes me?)

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Catalina's POV-

"Is that everything?" Asked Luke.

We where currently loading everything into the van, that would be taking us to the airport. The first place we where going to was South America, and I was so excited.

"Yup, I'm pretty sure"

Luke and I got into the van, and went to go pick up the rest of the boys from their houses, before heading out to the air port. The only one in the van so far was Calum, who I said hi to.

When ashton came out, he was followed by a little boy who looked to be about ten.

"Hi, are you cat?" Asked the boy, who I assumed to be Ashton's little brother.

"That would be me" I smiled down at him

"Well, ashton talks about you all the time, and you are even prettier then he described. I think you should kiss him"

I started smiling at the little boy, and when I looked up to see ashton, his cheeks were redder then Michael's hair, and he was running over to the little boy, who he then lifted up and carried inside.

When Ashton came out, like two minutes later, we all gathered into the van, next stop being Michael's house, and then the air port.

"Cute kid" I smiled at Ashton.

"Yeah, with one wild imagination, that's for sure" he laughed nervously.

part of me can't help but feel that there was a whole lot of truth behind the boys words. But then I thought, wasn't ashton ok with this whole us being best friends and or cuddle buddies? And if not, then why doesn't he just tell me?

Actually no. Maybe it would be better for him to keep it to himself considering the fact that I will not date him any time soon. He would only get rejected by me.

I guess I must've been so consumed by my thoughts because we arrived at the air port. When did we even get Michael?

I stepped out of the van, looked up and saw Michael .

"Oh, hey Michael" I greeted him

"Did you seriously just notice me now?" He asked, looking sort of offended.

"Ummmm... No?" I tried to lie, but it wasn't convincing.

"Sorry, I was just zoned out in the van. I was just thinking to hard I guess."

"Yeah, we know. About Ashton" he mumbled. He sounded pretty bothered by that. But I don't get why. We are only just friends.

"No actually, I was thinking about how Brazil supposedly has really good quesadillas" really cat, that is the best lie you could come up with?

"Nice try cat, but quesadillas are Mexican" Michael said before walking back to the boys, leaving me to trail behind.

"Oh yeah, well if they are only Mexican, then explain why they have them in America" I called out after him only to be completely ignored.

We made our way through security, and to our gate. When we got to the gate, we were greeted by a lot of fans. Well the boys where greeted, I was just the photographer.

"Hey, your Catalina, right?" Asked this girl who was about eleven at most.

"Yes, that's me. Would you like me to take a picture of you with one of the boys?" I asked figuring that would be what she wants.

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