Chapter 12 (the fight leading to the flight)

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Catalina's POV-

Fuck! Of course he would walk in while I am laying in bed naked with his best friend, on the morning after we just had drunk sex.

"Are you kidding me? Did you seriously just fuck my best friend!?" Shit. Luke was mad.

"Ok, your mad" I stated the obvious

"I'm mad? MAD!? Mad is an understatement" he yelled.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" He yelled.

"I...." I started to speak, but he interrupted me.

"You nothing! You are just some slut who fucks whatever guy comes on to you. You only knew him for what, like two days? and you just let him fuck you. Who does that? Sluts! That's who does that" he yelled at me. And then he turned to Ashton.

"And you! My sister? Really? You don't fuck your best mates sister! You don't see me fucking your sister!" He yelled at Ashton.

"Well thank god, considering the fact that she's only ten" said Ashton.

I guess Luke couldn't argue with that, so he turned back to me.

"You know what? I wish you never moved here. You are just some rich hoe who cares about no one else besides herself, and her daddy's wallet. No one even likes you! All those friends you claim to have, they only used you for popularity and a place to party. Dad didn't even like you. He used to call mom all the time, and ask her to let you move back here, because you grew up to be such a stuck up slutty ass bitch! And another thing, you were just an easy target for Ashton. I doubt he even cares about you, he just knew you would fuck him!" He spat at me, causing me to cry. He was right.

"Mate, that's not cool" said Ashton

"And fucking my sister is?!" Luke yelled at Ashton.

Well that shut Ashton up.

"Just stay away from my friends. When they are over, you leave. I don't care where you go, just be gone. Go stand on a corner or some shit, make that your new home" Luke spat at me before leaving the room.

Michael, Calum and Ashton stayed.

"What Luke said about you being an easy target, that isn't true, ok?" Ashton asked me.

I didn't answer him. I don't even know what's true anymore.

I'm sure there were people who thought those things about me, but never had the balls to say it to my face, because I would've executed their ass.

"Ashton let's go, we have work" said Calum.

"Ok. I will be back later and we can talk alright? Just remember what I said" Ashton told me before getting up and walking out.

"Wait" I called after him.

"I don't think we should talk later. Luke is mad, and I don't want to ruin a friendship. I'm not worth the risk" I said between sobs.

"Luke and I will be fine, don't worry about us" said Ashton.

"Yeah, it's mostly you he's pissed at" said Michael, causing Calum to hit his arm.

"Not helpful" scolded Calum.

They all left for whatever job that they had. I found it pretty cool that they all worked together. Maybe that was how they became friends.

But what they didn't know was I wasn't going to be here when they got back. I planned on leaving, and leaving for good.

I called a cab, and the cab should be here in 40 minutes to take me to the air port.

In the mean time I wanted to leave a good bye note to the boys, and even Luke so that they knew that I had left back to New York.

I also took the time to buy a one way plane ticket to New York, and pack up the very few things I had removed from my luggage.

I left the note on the fridge, because they will defiantly find it there.

Before I knew it, there was a honk signaling that the cab was here. I wheeled all seven of my suitcases to the car, and the cab driver gave me the 'what the fuck' look, but I wasn't in the mood.

He loaded my bags in the trunk and headed to the air port.

When I got to security, the line was huge. It had to be an hour wait.
I waited on the long ass line, and finally I was next.

But of course I got stuck behind a slow 200 year old, old lady with tons of jewelry on, and she beeped every time she walked through the metal detector, like come on lady, I've got a plane to catch.

Finally the lady made it through and it was my turn. I remembered to take out my belly ring this time, so that there was no repeat of the last time.

I made it through security with no problems 'praise Jesus' and ran to the gate, because I was running a little late.

I just didn't expect the gate to be on the total opposite end of the air port, but thank god I was in good shape, so I ran pretty fast.

After 10 minutes of pushing my way past slow ass people, with no place to go, I made it to the plane door, and showed the lady my ticket.

Bye bye Australia.

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