Chapter 25 (realizations)

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Luke's POV-

What I did was wrong, I get it, but that doesn't mean Catalina should reject my offer of adoption.

I have been trying to apologize to her for weeks, and she wouldn't even pick up the phone.

I thought that if I had adopted her, we could talk this through, and she would forgive me, but instead, she chose to never see us again.

But I will not let that happen. I know what she is doing is just out of spite, and she was blinded by her inheritance, which I had just found out was 26.8 million.

But she gets it no matter what, weather she comes on tour with us, or stays in Staten Island and continues to be a bitch.

That's why, Niall, Harry, Michael, louis, and I are going to New York, and taking her back with us. She can't reject them....

Atleast I don't think she would anyways...

Catalina's POV-

"So let me get this straight, you blew off one directions offer to tour with them?!" Yup that was Callie scolding me for leaving and rejecting them back in Australia.

"And you are luke hemmings sister?" Her eyes were literally bulging out of her head. I didn't even know she liked them, or knew of 5sos existence.

"Unfortunately yes, he is my brother"

"What do you mean 'unfortunately'," she looked like she would hit me any minute.

"We just don't get along, and he's like so fake." I explained to her. I mean, he is. What he did to me was fake.

"So what was it like hanging out with famous people in a beach house in Australia?" Where did she get that from?

"What made you think I was staying in some beach house? I didn't even go to the beach once, or see the ocean for that matter"

"They don't live in a beach house?" She asked. I guess she thinks my brother is rich...

"You do know that they are not rich, right? I had to share a room with Luke because the house was small, and he didn't even have his own car" I told her.

"So you were living like a poor person?" Ok she is really getting on my nerves.

"No Callie. I lived in a house, and in a hotel for a while, just because I wasn't driving a Mercedes and living in a mansion on the beach, doesn't mean I was living like a poor person" I snapped at her.

"Woah! Calm down, what happened to you?" What the fuck does she mean 'what happened to me?'

"What are you talking about?"

"The Catalina I know would never stay at a place without a maid, or atleast her own room. You would've seen that, and left on the first flight home."

"At first I hated it, but then I realized I was being ridiculous. If I learned anything while I was in Australia it was that you don't need a maid, and a chef to survive, and you can live without being rich."

"Wow, I don't even know who you are anymore" ok now I'm officially pissed off....

"I'm a person Callie, a normal fucking human being" I snapped before getting off my bed and walking to my balcony.

I stared out to the ocean, and thought.

I thought about how I used to think this was the only way to live. And that people who didn't live like me, are poor and gross, like the people on subways holding cans, and collecting spare change.

In this house, my closet was bigger then the room I shared with Luke. But you know what, I survived. I didn't even have a closet in that house.

This isn't the life that I need for myself anymore, because I learned that I can live without all of this.

If Callie can't understand my sudden change of heart, then I know who else would. Luke.

All if the sudden, I heard my name on the intercom, and yes I have an intercom.

"Catalina, there is someone who wants to see you" called Marcus. I rehired him, not sure why, but I did.

I walked down stairs, and Callie followed me, why the fuck is she still here?

I made my way to the front door, and what I saw made me so happy.

There, standing at the door was, indeed, the pizza delivery man.

Hahahaha you all probably thought it was the boys but it's not, because I'm so mean, and I like messing with you lovely readers.

Go follow my wattpad Twitter account @sabrina_wattz (flying5sauser) please, and Thankyou!

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