Chapter 38 ( toppless trauma )

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Catalina's POV-

As Luke and I where walking to our hotel rooms, he told me that I got put in a room with ashton, which I was grateful for.

I guess he noticed the smile on my face because he then asked me "why are you smiling, you didn't actually think I would let you share a room with your little fuck buddy, now did you?"

"Oh my god! For the last time, ashton is not my fuck buddy. In order to be fuck buddies, you would have to have sex more then once, which we did not. Therefore, you could trust me to share a room with him" I explained.

"No, I don't think I can" he said in a serious tone.

I then questioned him as to why, and he told me "because you put the whore in horney, and well, ashton is a guy. And us guys are always horney"

"So, I'm guessing you still think I'm a slut, huh"

"Yup, but it's fine because I'm your big brother, and I can call you a slut all I want. It's the other people in this world who call you a slut that I have a problem with" he smirked at me.

"And I could respect that. But who do I share a room with now?" I questioned.

"Well considering that you are the luckiest girl in the world, you won a four night stay in a room with the one, the only, Luke Hemmings." He smirked my way once again.

"Seriously dude? This is supposed to be a vacation. Us sharing a room is just like home. Not to mention, you snore" I groaned, while he slid the key in the door of our room before opening the door.

This room will not do, was the first thought that came to mind. For starters, there was only one bed, meaning we would have to share, and it smelled like the previous vacationer never heard of deodorant. Like deodorant is a thing you know, I kid you not.

"It reeks in here" said Luke while scrunching his nose. I swear he read my mind.

"That's not the only problem. We only have one bed" I pointed to the queen size in the middle of the room.

"I know, why do you think I didn't want you rooming with ashton?" I rolled my eyes at my dumbass meanie head of a brother.

"Ok, well I call the bed" I said while plopping down on it.

"No one is calling anything, the bed is big enough for the two of us, and there is no couch in this room. We could order a cot, but I am to tall for it, and you are to much of a princess to ever sleep on a roll away bed, am I right?" He was so right.

"Yes, indeed. But I have one issue with that statement of yours. NEVER call me princess. In my mind, if you aren't a queen, then you are shit." I stated matter of factly.

"Ok, jeez, I won't call you princess any more" wasn't expecting that, but I thanked him anyway.

"No problem. From now on I refer to you as Shit" yup, now that's more of what I would expect from him.

"Whatever, I am going to change so stay out of the bathroom" I said while getting my blue bikini out, along with a pair of short Colton shorts.

I made my way into the the bathroom, and changed. I also threw my hair into a messy bun because I just didn't feel like styling it to perfection. I was planning on checking out the hotel beach.

I made my way out of the bathroom, only to be stopped by Luke.

"Um, what the fuck are you wearing? Get a shirt on before you leave this room, or if you even want to leave this room ever again" he said with his arms crossed.

"It's a bathing suit, I'm going to the beach. Who cares?"

"You know what? Fine. Look like a slut. But when some weird foreign dude rapes you, don't come crying to me" he said while sittin on the bed, and pulling his phone out.

I took that as an invitation to leave the room. I grabbed my phone off the night table, and walked towards the elevator, and pushed the button.

The elevator came after a ten second wait, and I stepped in. There was no one else in the elevator, until we stopped on the eleventh floor and in stepped these three unattractive college boys. They where fat and smelly, and one of them had a lazy eye.

"Hello babe" said the ugliest one. I just ignored him, until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Um, can you not touch me? Thanks" I sounded really weirded out, hoping they would take the hint that I was weirded out.

"See, this is why we came to Brazil in the first place. To score us some hot chicks like this lovely sexy lady over here" said the one who just called me babe.

I looked up to see how manny floors left until the lobby, but I was mad when I saw that we where only on floor nine. This elevator was slow as shit.

then I got an idea, I pressed the seven button, so that I could get out of this elevator, go back to my room, and scrub my shoulder, before putting on a T-shirt.

After what seemed like years of having these fat perves staring at my boobs, as if they where attempting to remove my top with their mind, I made it to the seventh floor. As soon as that door opened I ran out.

I heard one of them ask "leaving so soon?" But I ignored him obviously and pressed the button, so I could wait for a new elevator. Finally another elevator came, and I got on.

Louis just so happened to be on it, so I ran up to him and gave him the biggest hug in the world.

"Finally, a non rapist" I shouted in relief. I didn't even realize I was crying, until louis asked why I was crying, and what I meant by rapist.

"I got in the elevator before, and these three guys came on and started staring at me, and grabbing my shoulder, and saying gross things to me, and i don't know why I'm crying. I'm just happy that it's just you in here" I cried into his shirt as he hugged me.

"Alright, well let's get you upstairs so you can put some real clothes on. You can't walk around a hotel, with just a bikini top, you will attract weirdos. Which you already did."

He pressed floor eighteen, which was mine and Luke's floor. Great, now Luke will see that something went wrong, and say he told me so, and probably scream at me for being a whore.

Soon enough the elevator stopped, and we made our way to mine and Luke's room, and louis knocked on the door, which Luke answered shortly after.

"Oh hey Lou... Wait, what happened, why are you crying, why is she crying!" He was going ballistic.

"She ran into some creeps on the elevator, and they started saying inappropriate things, and touching her shoulder. She got out of that elevator, and waited for a new one, that I just so happened to be on" louis explained it all.

"Ugh. I told you to put a shirt on, but you insisted nothing would happen. Next time listen to me when I say things. What if those guys raped you, then what?" He looked at me questioningly.

"I- I don't know. I should've listened" he pulled me in for an unexpected hug, before telling me to go wash my face, and thanking louis for bringing me back up.

I also thanked, and hugged louis before making my way into the bathroom, and putting some cold water on my face.

When I walked out of the bathroom, Luke handed me my batman t-shirt, which I gladly put on.

"Grab your phone, we are going to get room service in Calum's room with the others"

I agreed because I wasn't in a beachhead mood any more, so we made our way into Calum's room which was just Down the hall.

Go follow my wattpad Twitter account @sabrina_wattz (flying5sauser) please, and Thankyou!

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