Chapter 43 (#busted)

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Catalina's POV-

After luke hit me, he still didn't say a word. He just turned around, walked over to the bed and layed down.

I got so pissed off, that my tears in my eyes weren't even from pain anymore, they where from anger.

I was angry at Niall for being a dick to me, and then changing the story to make it seem like I wanted to have sex with him, when that wasn't my intentions at all.

I was mad at luke for making me the bad guy here. For turning everyone against me in a matter of minutes. I was mad at him for hitting me, and I was even more mad that he didn't even realize that what he did was wrong, and apologize like a normal person.

I have spent so long just sitting on the floor feeling sorry for my self, so I decided to get up, and go take a shower.

When I got in the bathroom, I analyzed my face, and saw that I had a swollen red hand print, that was forming little bruises in some spots.

Yes, I expected luke to yell at me, maybe kick me out of the room for the night, but this is unacceptable.

I turned the shower on all the way hot, and scrubbed my body as if I was trying to scrub away all of the bad memories from today, but it didn't work.

After spending over an hour in the shower, I still remembered everything. I decided to get out of the shower and think about what to do with the sleeping situation.

I put on a hoodie, and sweats from Victoria's Secret, before exiting the bathroom, to see that it was already past 4:30 in the morning, and I knew that the boys would wake up around six to get to rehearsal.

I decided to stay awake until luke left, so I could sleep while he is gone.

I wonder if everyone else hates me now to. Like Louis, and Harry, And Ashton. Like do they hate me to?

I grabbed my phone, and decided to listen to some music, and hope that luke would wake up fast so that I could go to sleep.

I put my headphones in, and drowned out the whole rest of the fucked up universe while listening to some bring me the horizon. I was in that type of mood right now.


All of the sudden I felt someone kicking, and shaking me. Hm, I must've fell asleep even though I didn't plan on it. I opened my eyes to see who it was, and it was Ashton.

"What are you doing sleeping on the floor? We are leaving for the concert in twenty minutes" he said, while reaching his hand out to help me up.

"Good luck" i said.

"What do you mean good luck, you are coming with us" he said. Wait, what?

"No one wants me there, so no"

"What do you mean no one wants you th... Woah, what the fuck happened to your face!?" He shouted the last part.

"Nothing, don't worry about it"

I was praying that he would just leave it alone, but of course he didn't.

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