Chapter 10 (never have i ever)

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Catalina's POV-

Gave everyone a shot glass and started to explain the rules.

"If you did what the person speaking says that they never did, then you take a shot. First one to 10 shots loses." Explained luke.

"10 shots? I'm still drunk from before!" I said to Luke.

"Well then this should be good" said a smirking Ashton.

"I will start. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex" Luke said.

Ugh here we go, shot number one!

"Care to explain?" Questioned a curious Calum.

"Ugh fine. I had my best friend Callie sleep over, and my boyfriend at the time dared us to make out" I explained.

"Do you have a picture of this best friend of yours?" Asked Michael.

"I will show you after the game" I told all the boys.

"I'm next. Never have I ever gone skinny dipping" said Calum

And here we go with shot number 2.

"Never have I ever had sex in the pool" said Ashton

Shot 3. Wow I'm on a roll.

"Never have I ever put a dick in my mouth" said Michael. Seriously?!

Shot number 4.

"Your turn Catalina, good luck thinking of something you didn't do" teased Luke.

"I will. Never have I ever fucked a girl" I said causing all of them to take a shot. Ha! Winning.

Back to Luke. "Never have I ever fucked a guy"

Shot number 5. Half way to 10 and I'm fucked up at this point.

Back to Calum "never have I ever fucked on a first date."

This time I didn't drink, but Luke did.

Back to Ashton "never have I ever done anal"

The only one who drank for that was Calum. Yucky.

Michael turn "never have I ever had sex more then 2 times in the same night"

Shot number 6.

My turn. "Never have I ever had a 3 some"

All the boys drank, except for Ashton.

Luke "never have I ever had sex in the shower"

All of us drank instead of Luke, and that would be my 7th shot. Aka 14th shot of the night.

Calum "never have I ever stripped for a group of people of the opposite sex"

"Fuck this game" I slurred as I took my 8th fucking shot.

Ashton "never have I ever had sex in my parents room"

Shot number 9!

Michael "never have I ever used a dildo"

Ha, never done that before.

All of the boys stared at me expecting me to drink but when I never did, they looked shocked.

My turn again, but I wanted to make it a little more serious then just sexual questions. I wanted to know one thing about these boys.

"Never have I ever cheated on anyone" I said looking at all the boys, and let's just say I was a little upset when Ashton was the only one who took a shot.

It was back to Luke's turn. "Never have I ever done bondage. Like handcuffs and ropes, and whips and all that shit"

Ashton and Michael drank, but so did I, and that right there was my last shot of the night, I lost.

"So, sis, I guess saving yourself for marriage is out of the question?" Asked Luke.

I just stuck my middle finger up at him, not really trusting my words right now.

I was so fucking drunk.

I tried to get up to go get some water, but as soon as I got up, I fell right back down.

"Well I will go take her upstairs and put her to bed" said Ashton.

Then I felt my self get lifted up in his arms, and carried up the steps.

"We aren't really going to sleep are we?" I asked him.

"Nope" he said with a wink.

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