Chapter 18

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Catalina's POV-

Everyone looked at me waiting for me to answer.

"Can I be honest here?" I asked

"Well we don't want you to lie" said Michael.

"I don't think I want to go" I admitted

"What?!" They all screamed at the same time

"I would love to go, believe me I would." I told them

"So why did you say no?" Asked Niall

"Because just because I would love to, doesn't mean I will" I told them.

"And why not? You were so happy to see us, but you don't want to tour the world with us? This isn't an everyday opportunity" said Harry.

"I get that, and it's nothing personal, I just don't think I could go on anymore plains after what just happened." I explained.

"Oh I get it now" said louis

"Because you were supposed to be on that plain, and it crashed, you don't want to ever go on another plain?" Asked Ashton

"I don't know about never, but I just don't think I'm ready yet" I said.

"Alright, well we can't force her to go if she doesn't want to" said Zayn

"Awww but I liked her she's funny" said Harry

"Hey I'm funny to" said a pouty louis

"Yeah but she's a different funny" said Harry

"Whatever" said louis

"Well it was nice meeting you, and congrats on your umm second shot at life I guess" said Niall before hugging me goodbye.

Next was Harry to give me a hug good buy

"Just think about the tour, alright?" He asked.

"I will I promise"

Next was louis

"I think Harry took a liking toward you, if that doesn't get you to go on tour with us, then girl, I don't know what will" he whispered in my ear.

Next Liam and Zayn hugged me at the same time.

"If you change your mind about the tour, then let us know. Alright?" Asked Liam.

"Will do" I informed them

"Bye, nice meeting you" said Zayn

"You to" I said Before closing the door behind them.

"So" I said as I turned to the boys.

"I want to know more about this band of yours" I told them

"We started out playing music and writing songs in Ashton's garage, and uploaded some videos on YouTube and got discovered by louis."
Said luke.

"I still don't get how I didn't know that my own brother was this well known."

"Well America is just starting to hear about us, so that's probably why" said Ashton.

"Alright well we should get going" said Calum

"Going where?" I asked.

"Home, we don't live here" Calum answered.

"Oh alright, when will you be back?"

"We will all be back here tomorrow, don't miss us to much" said Michael.

They all gave me hugs good bye.

"Wait before I leave I want to tell you one more thing. I don't hate you for what you wrote in your letter. And I would love to be your friend, and get to know the NICE girl that you have been to all of us" said Ashton.

"Yes we will all love to be your real friends, and we will never use you for money, or parties" said Michael.

"Or sex" added Ashton causing me to laugh.

"Thank you guys it means a lot to hear that. But even if up you wanted to, you couldn't use me for money, I got robbed at the airport, remember?"

"Oh yeah right. Well nice knowing ya" joked Ashton before giving me one last hug good buy.

He was about to let go before I pulled him back into me and whispered in his ear.

"You were the hardest one to leave behind"

Before turning around and going upstairs to my bed that I missed so much.

"Finally I get to sleep in something with out an arm rest!" I shouted

"Try to fall asleep before Luke, he snores" said Calum before walking out.

Oh joy....

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