Chapter 33 (dinner patr 1)

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Catalina's POV-

I had just gotten out of the shower, and i was deciding on what to wear to dinner with all the boys.

We were going to some fancy Italian restaurant, so I wanted to look nice.

I decided to go get Michael, and ask him to help me pick out an outfit, so I walked downstairs to go get him.

"Michael , I need your help" I told him.

He got up, and followed me upstairs.

"What do you need?" He said while laying down in my bed.

"Could you help me pick out an outfit for dinner tonight? I want to look nice" I told him.

"Only if you model for me" he stated matter of factly.

"Michael" I whined annoyingly

"Then I won't help you" he said while getting up to leave.

"Seriously dude? Alright fine. I will model for you" I told him and he grinned.

"Ok, so there is this" I said holding up an all black leather dress that went about mid thy and poofed out at the bottom.

"You need to change into it or I'm not looking" he said.

"Fine, go wait outside" I told him.

"No I'm comfy, why can't you just change here?" He pouted.

"Fine, cover your eyes until I say ok" he covered his eyes, and I turned around and started changing.

When was in nothing but my bra and thong, I turned around to get my dress off the bed, and saw Michael staring intently at me.

"Michael, we had a deal" I shouted at him.

"You know, that dress really brings out your eyes, very beautiful" he said trying to butter me up.

"the dress isn't on me yet!" I shouted at him.

"That bra is really brings out your eyes, very beautiful." He smiled innocently.

"Get out!" I yelled at him while throwing a pillow at him.

He got up and walked towards my door laughing.

"Glad I could help" he smirked before closing the door behind him.

"Douche bag" I yelled before putting the dress on.

After I put the dress on, I started with my hair. I decided to straighten it, and put it half up, half down. It looked a little boring so I curled the ends with my wand. Perfect.

Next I did my normal make up routine, burgundy lips, and smokey eyes, foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, and blush. You know, the natural look *sarcasm*

I then put on some tights that were tan, but had black designs in some spots, and my black louis vuton pumps. Perks of being Rich.

"Let's go, were late!" Called Luke.

Wow, thanks for telling me. I sprayed some one direction perfume, because, eh why not. Them made my way downstairs.

When I got downstairs, all the boys, except Luke were staring at me. Thats always a good sign.

"Wow Michael was right. That dress does bring out your eyes" laughed Calum.

"Aren't we late?" I rolled my eyes.

We left the house, and headed towards the restaurant. The entire car ride was discussing my nudity. And let me remind you, it was a forty minute drive to the restaurant.

"We are with the squidwards" said Luke as we walked into the restaurant.

"Right this way" said the hostess. The fuck? Why squidwards.

We were led to a booth all the way in the far back corner of the restaurant where all of one direction were all sitting.

"Hello you must be the swidwards" I greeted them.

"Hello, you must be 20 minutes late" joked Liam.

"Yeah, she was to busy stripping for Michael" Calum said while patting Michael on the back.

"Wait, did he say stripping?" Asked Zayn.

"Yeah, I heard stripping" said niall.

"He was helping me pick out an outfit, and he said he would cover his eyes, but didn't." I stated.

"Fun fact, the boy will never cover his eyes" said louis.

"Whatever" I said.

All of the sudden, my phone went off, and I checked to see who it was.

It was Brandon, and when I opened up the message, it read 'hey beautiful'

I guess I must've been blushing, and smiling like an idiot, because luke asked me why I was blushing and smiling like an idiot.

"Is it a boy?" Asked harry while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Yeah" I said, while responding saying heyy (two y's means flirting done right)

"So who is he?" Asked Liam.

"His names Brandon, we met today at the beach"

"Do you like him?" Asked Niall.

"Where is this waitress, I'm ready to order" I said blushing.

"Ahhh, so you do" said louis.

"You know, cat, now that i am your legal guardian now, I think that it is time we have the talk" said Luke.

Oh god.

I actually would really love to hear this, and what he has to say. I'm sure it will be hysterical.

"Well, when a man and a woman love eachother, they receive urges" luke started.

"What kind of urges?" I asked trying and not to laugh.

"Sexual, hormonal urges" he answered.

"And what happens when they receive these "urges" you speak of?" My goal was to make him feel as awkward a possible.

"Well, the man will receive a boner" laughed Luke.

"A boner, what's that?" I asked. How I managed to keep a straight face, I don't even know."

All the boys at the table started to laugh.

"Ok, we are done here" said Luke.

"But we never got up to the discussion regarding coitus" I pretended to be sad.

"Yes luke, very uninformative." Laughed Michael.

Then the server came, and I wouldn't mind participating in the doings of coitus with that fine piece of ass.

"Hi I'm Ralph, and I'm going to be your server this evening"

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