Chapter 45 (feelings revealed)

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Michael's POV-

"So, your telling me, that Luke hit her for no reason?" I asked Ashton.

I was beyond pissed. No one, and I mean NO ONE should lay a finger on my Catalina.

Even though she's not mine yet, there is still a key word in that phrase. That word is 'yet'.

I didn't have time to kill Luke, considering that we where on in twenty eight seconds. So instead I walked out to the stage area, and we all went on.

We sang, we jumped, we made noise, and soon after we where done.

"Alright guys, we are 5secondsofsummer, and we are out of here" I said into the microphone after our last song.

We made our way off of the stage, and as soon as I got off I went right up to Luke and shoved him.

He looked up at me as if to say 'what the fuck' but all I said was

"If we get to that hotel and Catalina is gone again because of you, I will be sure to hit you for her!" I shouted before leaving for the buss.

We where originally going to stay and watch one direction preform considering it was their first show, then get drinks later, but that was when Catalina was supposed to be here.

Now, God only knows where she is. Probably on her way back to New York by now.

Wait no, she sold the house! She can't be going there!

She must still be in Brazil. Probably with those boys from the beach. They are probably there comforting her, telling her how big of dicks we are, while I'm still here with the boy who had the audacity to hit her.

What if she dates one of them, or what if they ran off into the night and went to Vegas, got eloped, and had triplets all named Guadeloupe?

I can't let that happen, I have to stop her from leaving permanently.

Finally everyone made their way onto the buss, and we headed back to the hotel. It was only a fifteen minute drive, so I got off, and ran into the hotel.

I went into the elevator, and thought about what to say to her if she was still here, and I thought of what to do to Luke if she wasn't.

I made my way up to the eighteenth floor, and knocked on the door. No answer.

I did the thing I didn't want to do, and I waited for Luke to come here and open the door, considering the fact that he has a key, and I don't.

Finally Luke arrived, and opened the door. I looked on the floor and noticed that her suitcase was gone. I felt my eyes start to water.

No Michael, don't do this, don't cry, be a man.

I blocked my tears from actually falling, and looked around the room for any sign of her. And I did find something, but it wasn't what I wanted.

It wasn't her. Instead, It was just a stupid postit saying the words that literally broke my heart.

"I left. Not that you care"

But what she didn't know was, I still care.

I Michael Clifford, am not ashamed to think, that I might possibly be in love with Cat.

"What's that?" Luke asked.

I forgot about that dick head.

"Nothing you would even care about" I said before storming out of the room.

I wanted to hit him so hard, but it's not even worth it. It wouldn't bring cat back if I punched him, so there is no point.

Instead I walked across the hall to Ashton's room, and held out the note for him to see it, before plopping down on his bed, and pulling out my phone.

I tried calling her, but it just went straight to voicemail.

So the next best thing was Twitter. The bad part was the fans would know our business, but I don't care. I need to atleast know she is safe.

@michael5SOS- @catalina_hemzzz I care. I never stopped. #ComeBackCat.

My tweet got a ton of retweets and favorites, but none where from Cat. The hashtag is even trending, but it was mostly with fans asking what happened, or why I even cared where she is. I blocked the mean people, and continued to wait for her reply, that never came.

"You really like her, don't you" said Ashton now joining me on his bed.

"A lot, and I hate the fact that Luke keeps making her leave. She did nothing wrong, and she is not a slut. Maybe at one time, but she changed. I can tell."

"Look, I like her and all they, but I could never care for her as much as you seem to, so just know that I will do absolutely nothing to get in the way of you and her being happy together. Just keep the sex as far away from my bunk as possible" he said, making me chuckle at the last part.

"Thanks mate. But there is one thing wrong with that statement."

"And what's that?"

"Tomorrow night we will be on a plane to Europe, and she will still be missing" I said, once again feeling sad.

"Not exactly. She is still in Brazil " wait what?

"How do you know?"

"While you where all sad, I decided to look up flight times from here to New York, and the only flight was at 8:30 in the morning. She was still here way past that time" said Ashton, while showing me his phone.

@michael5SOS- @ashton5SOS is God, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I ran down stairs to the reception desk, and asked if anyone under the name Catalina Hemmings has either checked in or out.

"Sorry sir, that is confidential information"

This bitch......

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