Chapter 13 (the note)

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Luke's POV-

We got back home from the recording studio, and of course Michael ran straight to the fridge. Typical.

"Umm Luke?" Called Michael from the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked him as I made my way to the kitchen.

"Catalina's gone" he said. So?

"So what?" I asked not really giving a shit.

"She wrote this note" he said while handing me the note.

"Who wrote a note?" Asked Ashton, who must've just entered the kitchen.

"Your fuck buddy" I said while handing him the not so that he could read it.

I didn't expect him to read it out loud but he did.

"By the time that you boys read this, I will already be on a plane back to Newark air port in New York. I just wanted to say that Luke was right. I never really did care about anyone but my self. I do have millions of dollars, and I didn't earn a single penny of it. I had people who did everything for me. A maid who cleaned up after me, and a chef who cooked for me. I also had a personal driver, but I fired him once I got my license and a range rover for my seventeenth birthday. He told me that he needed this job to pay for his wife's medical bills, after his baby was born, because the insurance that my dad provided them with sucked. I told him that there were manny more cars to drive, and people to drive around, and that maybe he should invest in a taxi. I had my own credit card, that had no limits, and I used to take me, my "friends" and my boy friend at the time, on expensive vacations, and dinners. I was stupid enough to think that any of those people actually liked me. It took my dad to get in a car crash, and die for me to realize that how I acted was wrong. Let me explain... Gina, my chef, found out that daddy died, and she didn't feel the slightest bit bad for me. She treated me like the daughter that she never had, because she was medically unable to have kids of her own. She was so good to me, but I was so bad to her. I ordered her around, and never not once said please and thank you. Basically, I made her my bitch. Sometimes I even called her a mule. When daddy died, she told me that she wished that it was me, because horrible bitches like me don't deserve life. Those words got to me a little bit, but I brushed it off because I knew that even if she didn't love me, I had hundreds of other people who did. One of them was Jason. Jason and I were friends for five years, and one day he told me he liked me, so we ended up dating. He was always so nice to me, and there for me when I needed him. That was until I started having parties every weekend, and got more popular. As my popularity increased, so did his. I became cheer captain, and he was quarter back of the varsity foot ball team. He was known as "the man" of the school, and when people found out that we have been dating for three months and we haven't fucked yet, he told me that if I didn't sleep with him and tell all his friends about it, he would break up with me and ruin my life.
So I had sex with him, even though, believe it or not, I wanted to wait till my wedding night. I ended up getting pregnant, and someone in school saw me coming out of the abortion clinic, and took a picture. Everyone called me a slut, and I hated it. I ended up getting into a fight, and got expelled from school, for accidentally punching the principle, and breaking his nose. I told daddy the situation, and he paid the school ten thousand dollars to let me stay, and expel the other girl. I was mad at Jason for about a week, but got over it, and we ended up being together for a year and eight months. When daddy died, I was so depressed that I stopped going to school, which was bad for my reputation, and ate nothing but ice cream for three whole weeks. He cheated on me with the biggest slut in the school, and when I confronted him about it, he said it was because I was to depressed to fuck him, and I was getting fat. I egged his car. That happened a week before I moved to Australia. I made a promise to myself, and to my dad at his funeral that I would change. I didn't want to be known as some spoiled skank, because that was all that people called me in New York. I wanted to make real friends, and have a boyfriend who wouldn't just use me for sex. Even though I didn't spend that much time with Calum and Michael, I still found them pretty cool. And as for Ashton, I thought of him as a real friend, weather I knew him for two days or not. And as for Luke, I think you hated me from the second I arrived here. You were to quick to judge me, and I wanted to try to prove you wrong. And believe me, I am well aware that getting drunk, and fucking your best friend wasn't the best way to show you that I want to change. I guess it wasn't until you called me a spoiled skank, that I realized it was impossible to change over night, and I can't have anymore people think that about me, so I had to leave. Maybe I will see you in another fourteen years, but until then I wish you the best. And as for Ashton, Michael and Calum, you probably hate me now after reading about the type of person I really am, but just know that I did actually care about all of you, and I will miss you all. Also don't forget to note that this is not a suicide letter, it is just a good bye letter.

Love always, cat".

As Ashton was reading the letter, he started to tear up, and I felt like a total douche.

I had no idea that she went through half of that shit, and I want to kill that Jason guy for doing that to my sister.

"This is all your fault, she's gone because you reminded her of all of the fucked up things that happened to her right before she moved out here. We were even going to invite her on tour with us, but that turned to shit." Ashton said with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Look, I feel bad enough about this, but there is nothing I could do to change it. I can't even call her because she is on a plane. I will call her tomorrow and apologize. But don't entirely blame me for this, if you didn't fuck her, the argument never would've happened." I stated the truth.

"Yeah well who did she blame for her leaving in the note? Not me, you." He told me. I just left it at that because he was right.

"Just stop arguing and turn on the tv, the game comes on in 5 minutes" said Michael.

I turned on the tv and went to the channel that the game would be on, and right now, all that was on was the news. Gross.

But then something caught my attention.

"Tune in for news at 11, to hear about the plane crash that happened when a plane left Sydney, and was heading towards Newark airport in New Jersey, caught on fire, and killed all of the passengers, when the pilot got a heart attack at the wheel" Said the news reporter.

I got up and ran to the letter to see what airport Catalina was going to, because that airport sounds familiar to me, even though it really shouldn't.

When I read the first line of the note my heart sank.

"That was Catalina's plane" I announced with tears in my eyes.

Go follow my wattpad Twitter account @sabrina_wattz (flying5sauser) please, and Thankyou!

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