Chapter 28 (party plans and costumes)

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Catalina's POV-

Harry, Louis, Niall, Michael, and Luke, are staying the night because they didn't book our leaving flight till tomorrow.

I decided that I wanted to have one last party before I never came back to this house. This was the last party here and I was going to make it wild.

Callie and I went out to go buy outfits, and we sent louis and Niall to go buy alcohol, and Michael, Luke, and Harry were going to buy the food.

"Hey how about this one?" Asked Callie while holding up a short purple dress.

"Nah, we need to look hot, and that won't do it" I told her.

I was looking around and I couldn't find anything for me, but I found the most perfect dress for Callie.

This dress was black, and the whole stomach was black lace that was see through. She would look great in it.

"Try this, it's perfect" she took it and went to the dressing room, while I continued looking.

After about ten racks of nothingness, I came across the most perfect dress ever. It was a red bando top, and it had strings that went down my stomach, and connected to a black leather mini skirt, that poofed out a little so it wasn't skin tight.

I went into the dressing room and tried on my dress and showed it to Callie, who, may I add looked stunning in hers, and we took selfies and uploaded them on twitter and Instagram

All of the sudden I hear her scream and see her drop her phone. I bet you more then anything someone followed her.

"Niall fucking horan just followed me on Instagram and twitter!" She screamed. I know the feeling girl... I know the feeling.

"Ok, so we should head home and see what the boys are up to" I told her.

We paid for our dresses and left the mall, and drove home. When we got home, the cars that I let them use were there, but when we went inside, we couldn't find them anywhere.

"LUKE, NIALL!" I screamed, followed by Callie calling for Michael and Harry.

"Louis!" I called, you know, so he didn't feel left out.

Where the fuck are they?

I went up to my room to go put the bags down, and when I opened up my closet to go put my dress away till later, two clowns came jumping out at me.

I screamed and jumped back. I am petrified of clown.

I reached behind me and grabbed the first thing I could find to use as a weapon. Curling iron... Yup, that'll do it.

"I've got a weapon" I shouted at the clowns, while I waved it arround like a light saber from Star Wars at them, because they were clearly trying to eat me.

"Oo mate watch out, she's got the curler of death"

Wait did he just say mate?

"Reveal yourself" I told the clowns

They removed their masks and it was Niall and louis. But where are the others.....

My question was answered when Callie started screaming, so either someone else followed her, or she discovered the others.

"Callie, what happened?" I asked while walking in her direction. She was in the bathroom, peeing I might add, with a Freddie crooger in the shower right next to her.

I pulled off his mask revealing Michael. Three down, two to go.

"Well get out so I could wipe, thank you" shouted Callie.

We all laughed and walked out of the bathroom.

"So where are the others?" I asked the three ass holes who think they are some comedians or some shit.

"That is for you to find out" said niall.

"You dont even know, do you?" I asked them.

"Nope, not a clue" said louis

"I know where Luke is, he texted me saying he was in the coat closet when you first walk in" said Michael.

The last two were Harry and Luke, and I knew exactly how to get luke to reveal himself.

"Niall, do you want to help me play a little prank on Luke?" I asked him

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" He asked

"Pretend that you and I intend to date behind his back, he will hear that and come running out of the closet" I told him. He agreed

We walked down the steps to the area where the closet that Luke is hiding in, close enough so that he would be able to hear us.

"So niall, About this date of ours, how are we going to keep it a secret from my brother?" I asked.

"Well, we will be on tour, wait for him to be sleeping, and I will come to your buss and pick you up and we will have all night to do whatever we want" said niall. Wow he is good at this.

"That sounds perfect, and don't tell anyone this, but when I went to the mall, Callie helped me pick out a sexy outfit for that night"

"Oh really? Niall smirked, "can't wait to see it on you"

That was all it took for the closet door to fly open and luke to emerge in a mike Meyers mask.

"You won't be seeing her in anything from Victoria's Secret, and you keep in mind that I sleep with one eye open" said luke.

Niall, Michael, Louis, Callie and I all died laughing.

"Haha, jokes on you. You tried to scare me, so I scare you" I laughed at his reaction.

"Fuck you, I believed you" he said while removing his mask.

"This was some scooby doo type of shit today" I said.

"Ok so on a more important note, did you get alcohol, and what time is everyone coming?" Asked Callie

"Everyone is coming at 9:30" I told her, and it was now 6 so we should start getting ready.

"Oh, alcohol, that's what we were supposed to get... Fuck!" Shouted louis..... Wait what?!

"What did you just say?! The liquor store is probably closed now and...."

"I'm kidding, calm down" louis told me.

Once again, these boys think they are Kevin heart or some shit.

"Not funny" Callie and I both scolded louis

We went upstairs to go get ready. I was so excited for tonight. It was butter sweet. My last ever party, and night in this house, and then I leave, forever, with no return. Dun dun dun.

Just kidding, I will be back in New York in August, but still.

But wait.... Where is Harry?

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