Chapter 19 (sibling bonding)

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Catalina's POV-

(L- Luke ...... C- Catalina)

I got in my room, and took off the clothes I was wearing, and changed into some pajama shorts, and a tank top.

I climbed into my bed, and like five minutes later Luke walked in.

L- hey can we talk for a bit?

C- yeah sure, what about?

L- well for starters, I don't hate you.

C- well that's good news

L- I wasn't entirely happy with the girl who you become, but I based everything I thought about you, on all of the things mom would tell me.

C- what exactly did mom used to tell you?

L- that you cared about no one but your self, and grew up to be an obnoxious bitch.

C- well she's not all that wrong.

L- well, besides that, I judged you before I actually got to know you, and I apologize for that.

C- you know, I wasn't always a bitch?

L- nope, enlighten me

C- well dad didn't have money till I was about eleven, and up until then I was so kind and innocent.

L- so what changed?

C- the money started coming in, the friends, the boys, the employees, the mansion, my credit card, and a dad who thinks he Donald trump.

L- so what was dad like?

C- well as a person, he was a heartless, mean, selfish, workaholic. He would step all over people, just to build his way up to success. His motto was 'never pity the weak, always overpower the strong' and that's what he taught me. He made me who I am, yet he hated who I've become.

L- well that explains a lot

C- wait, I'm not finished

L- go on

C- that was the type of person he was, not the type of dad he was. As a dad, he was always there for me. Cheerleading meant the world to me, and he knew that. No matter how busy he was, he never missed any of my events, or competitions. And even if we didn't win, or if I messed up, he was still waiting there with a bouquet of flowers, telling me that I did great. And every year for my birthday he would take the week off of work, which for him, it was a lot, and we would go to the lake house. And I loved it, because there was no service, so he didn't spend any time on the phone, and he spent all of his time with me. He was the best dad I could ever ask for and I will miss him forever.

L- wow sounds great...

C- what about mom? What was she like, I only seen her once since I moved here, but she's never around.

L- well you already know then. She's never around, and she never was. She never even came to see the band play.

C- that's horrible. Even though I've only heard one of your songs, you guys are really good, and if she doesn't care enough to realize that, then you shouldn't care either. But where does she even go when she's not around?

L- the bar, she started drinking after dad left her, and never stopped.

C- so she's an alcoholic?

L- you guessed it

C- has she tried rehab?

L- she says she would rather spend twelve dollars on a 6 pack, rather then 1200 on rehab.

C- what if she had the money for it? Do you think she would go?

L- I'm not sure, it's a lot of years of this habit, just to break it in 30 days may not work.

C- alright, well let's talk about something happier then this.

L- like what?

C- girls! Does Lucas have a girl friend?

L- ok, first off, never call me that again. But nope I'm single.

C- really, why?

L- I'm completely awkward around girls

C- all it takes to talk to a girl, is confidence

L- yeah, which is something I don't have

C- are you kidding me? You are in a band! You are about to go on a world wide stadium tour, infront of tens of thousands of screaming fans, most of which are female. You have more confidence then mrs. America"

L- on stage, yes. Off stage, no.

C- you say that now, but wait till I'm done with you.

L- hey, what are you planning.

C- what do you look for in a girl?

L- she has to like the same music as me

C- so, a one direction fan?

L- no! Oh god no... Green day, all time low, blink 182

C- holy shit! I've got it

L- got what?

C- milk!

L- funny, but answer my question.

C- Ok so my best friend, Callie, her uncle is blink 182's manager. The lead guitarist taught her how to play guitar, and she is hot

L- what?! Are you serious, she knows the band?

C- I know them to, I met them at her moms wedding, I just didn't know who they were at the time.

L- ok, once again, I hate you! Not only did you meet them, but you spent time with them at a wedding?

C- wow, jealous much?

L- that is an understatement

C- I could give you her skype if you want

L- yes please

C- yeah, but there is one little problem

L- let me guess, she has a boy friend

C- nope, she's my best friend, and I am making it a double standard where if I can't like your best friend, then you can't like mine.

L- wait, so the only way you will set me up with her, is if I set you up with Ashton?

C- wow, talented and smart. To bad. Callie would've loved that about you...

L- but....

C- nope, goodnight!

L- fine, you could go on ONE date with Ashton.

C- really? You mean it?

L- you sure this Callie girl really exists in this world?

C- yup

L- then yes, I mean it.

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