Chapter 8

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Standing there frozen, Gallo looks down at me as he watches tears roll down my face.

This is the first time he has ever seen me cry. And it's right in front of him, about him.

"Leave. I want to be left alone."

He doesn't answer. Instead he kneels down in front of me and continues to stare at me. His heavy dark brown eyes with the tint of black around them scan my face, mainly my bluish-greenish-hazel eyes. He makes sure to lock eye contact with me before doing something that I never thought would happen again.

His lips lightly pressed themselves onto my own making my eyes widen at the sudden impact. His right hand cupped my left cheek as he pulls me closer and deepened the kiss.

Expecting me to kiss him back...but...I can't. If I kiss him back, it's as if I'm allowing him to play and toy with me all over again. I can't have that.

Taking control of my body, I push him away causing him to fall on his ass. Glaring over to him, the back on my hand wipes itself over my mouth. Removing any trace of Gallo that was once there.

"What the f*ck was that for?!"

He doesn't answer at first. Instead he watches my tense and furious state before answering. "It made you stop crying didn't it?"

Groaning, I push myself further into the wall. "You're such an ass. I can't believe I ever—" Shivering, our past replayed itself in my mind. "You're an ass."

"I'm not an ass. I'm here to help. Which I did by making you stop crying over... wait. What were you crying over?"

Closing my eyes and releasing a breath, I try to keep my mouth shut. If I tell him that I was crying over him, the cockiness that would come out of his mouth would be the end of me.

"Nothing. None of your business." Was my simple answer before standing.

Quickly following me, he came too close for my liking and was only a few inches away from me. His breathe hot on my skin as it sent shivers down my spin.

My irritation grows as Gallo was still standing in front of me. "Gallo. Can you please leave. I want to be alone."

His eyes remained on mine as he steps closer to me. Making me take a step back and hitting the wall once more allowing him to place his muscle arms on both sides of me. Caging me in.

His eyes never left mine as all I was trying to do was avoid those dark brown eyes that I know would posses me to do so many things.

"Come on Sam. Talk to me. Please." He begs me as his eyes soften and his bottom lip pulls out a bit. My eyes dart to those incredibly rosy lips that I'm regretting not kissing back.

"No. You won't—" his tongue runs over his bottom lip making the ache between my legs start its stupid process. Stupid hormones. "U-Understand..." I trail off as be begins to bite down on his bottom lip. A smile tugged on his face.

"But it's me. We used to always talk about things."

My eyes remain on his lips as I could feel my breathing hitch. Gallo slowly moves his right hand to my hip and pulls me closer to him. The stupid feeling of my core pounding sends chills up and down my body. The sensation feels oddly good but at the same time weird.

I still don't know what is happening but what I do know is that Gallo is playing with me and the urge to kiss him is making it unbearable.

His face hovers over mine as his playful smile makes me forget why I was even mad at him in the first place. Raising his fingers to my cheek, he wipes away tear stains. A small smile creeps up on my face as I could feel the blush spread across my cheeks.

"You're beautiful Sam." Sighing, he rests his forehead on mine. "Why did I let you go?"

I tried to reach back in my foggy mind. Remembering why I was ever mad at him in the first place and just when I thought I found it, his rosy lips brush up against my own causing a small and quiet moan to escape my lips.

I know my mind will tell me no any minute now, but I just want him and the way my body is acting towards his is very hard to resist. Itching slower to him, our lips move somewhat closer together.

"Sam?!" Peter calls for me in the staircase causing Gallo and I to jump a few inches apart. "Sam! Are you here?" My friend calls once more as a sigh escapes my lips.

Saying a silent thank you to whoever is watching over me, I move Gallo out of my way. Not giving him a second glance, I swing the door open and rush up the stairs.

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