Chapter 9

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I didn't speak to Gallo for the rest of the day. Once I got back to class, Peter told me that the teacher was asking for me and Gallo.

Thankfully nothing bad happened.

I came up with the excuse that I thought we dropped other water bottles. She believed me and that's all that matters.

Sitting in the cafeteria, it feels like a normal school day. Well, somewhat. This morning has been very eventful and that day isn't even over yet! Pressing my button on my iPhone 8, the time reads 12:30 pm.

A giant sigh leaves my lips as I only have fifteen minutes of freedom left. The second that damn lunch bell rings, I know I'll be forced back to class. Having to see Gallo again.

"Hey. You good?" My friend Sofia asks me as her dark brown eyes stare at me in wonder. Her dark brown shoulder length hair with her newly done caramel strands falls over her shoulder as she turns to face me.

"Yah," sighing I begin to stab my fork into the salad that I got for lunch.

"That doesn't sound like an okay yah. What happened in the stairs Sam?" Angelica asks me as she stares at me with curiosity. 

"Wait? Why were you in the stairs?" Sofia asks, obviously confused.

"I'm on water and snack duty with Gallo." Once those words left my mouth it seemed that my entire group of friends stopped eating, drinking and I think breathing.

They know how much I hate Gallo and they know my past with him. This conversation won't end well.

Picturing that time is frozen, my eyes scan my group of friends. I'm in the middle of the table.

Across from me is Sofia. She loves to play computer games and is known around school as the hacker to go to. Don't get her 5'3 height and somewhat round size get in the way of her fierceness. She may be small but she could kick ass.

On her right is Angelica. Then next to her is Pamela. Next to Pamela is Rachel. With a bob hair cut, it suits her with her bright blond hair and bright green eyes. Same height as me and is perfect on the volleyball team as she's the second-best spikier.

Facing her is Bailey, her twin. They aren't identical and thank god for that. She has light brown shoulder length hair with matching bright green eyes. Bailey is on the volleyball team too. The twins are known for being incredible when working together.

Next to Bailey is Lexi. She isn't crazy into sports but she's crazy about the track and field team; being one of the fastest girls there. She simple. Same 5'6 height like the twins, she has shoulder length dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes.

Beside Lexi and beside me, is our other friend Sophia. This Sophia is very different from the other as she has dark long red hair and big dark brown eyes. Everything about her is outgoing. She loves the ring; the boxing ring. Her 5'5 height is a bonus as she could move faster than her opponents. 

On the left side of Sofia is Anne. She has shoulder length dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. She's simple. Nothing too crazy.

Well, besides the fact that she and my other friend Anna call each other the A sisters. Anna is sitting besides Anne. Both girls could be considered sisters if it weren't for their height difference and some miner facial difference.

Anna has long dark brown hair with bright blue eyes. Both being 5'5. Another thing that they both carry is the gossip. They know anything and everything about everyone; and they're more than happy to share it with the rest of the group.

Beside Anna is Caleb who is casually leaning up against the frozen window that runs from the floor to the cafeteria ceiling. He's a sweet guy. Extra smart too as he's in all the A.P. classes that the school holds and is probably doing online college courses for fun. We all think he'll be the next billionaire with an invention that he created. Probably a coding program or a video game company. But nothing beats his looks.

Caleb may seem geeky in a way but he doesn't show it. His routine is simple. Work out everyday. His arms are bigger than most of the jocks in our school and he isn't on any sports teams. He holds a nice jaw line with jet black hair and grayish-green eyes. On top of that, he's 6'2!

Literally one of the tallest guys in school and has all the girls drooling over him. What makes Caleb different than most guys is that he doesn't want those model-like girls. He wants one girl; Sophia.

We all find it cute how he has a thing for her but is too scared to say anything about it. But in a way we understand because he and Sophia have been best friends since the beginning of high school. They never left each others side and even though he likes her, he wouldn't say anything. He told us that he's scared for her response. So, we keep it to ourselves and try to not mention anything to Sophia. 

Facing Caleb is William. Nice guy. Dirty blond hair, light blue eyes and 6'0 foot. He doesn't have muscles like Caleb but instead he's a tall and slim guy. Nothing much to say about William as he is too smart and also has a crush on one of the girls in the group. That being Lexi.

He's liked her since grade school and it's really cute. He was the nerdy kid having a crush on the pretty girl. I wouldn't say that Lexi and William are best friends but they are close because Lexi's best friend is Sophia and Caleb is William's. William is still new to the group so I don't really know him that well. But I hope I do. He's a nice guy who would do anything for his friends.

Beside William is Melissa. Long dirty blond hair with greenish-brown eyes. A tough girl who's on my volleyball team. She's a good friend of mine. 5'7. Able to throw a football when its flag football season making her our quarterback and could throw one hell of a punch if you tick her off. She doesn't really care for the school's rules but I like to think that my group of friends are helping her to become different.

Finally, sitting next to me is my cousin Veronika. Pain in the ass but I love her. She has shoulder length dark brown hair that is similar to mine. Along with her greenish-blue mixed eyes making me feel somewhat less lonely in the weird eye color department.

Another thing I adore about her is her height, 5'9. She's very tall making her perfect for the volleyball team, basketball team, track and field because of her long legs and flag football. Over all, she's a crazy jock like me.

Veronika holds all my secrets as do I with hers. She especially knows everything about Gallo and that whole situation. She's the one who told me from the start that something bad were to happen. Who would have known that she was right?!

My cousins' fingers snapping in front of my face pulled me out of my thoughts making me smack her hand away. "Buzz off Veron."

"Sorry. You weren't answering any of our questions! You completely zoned out on us."

"Well sorry! I've got a lot of things on my mind right now." Rolling my eyes, I look back at my sandwich and take a bite.

"Is Gallo one of them?" Melissa says with a smirk on her damn face knowing me better than ever that it's somewhat true.

A small smile creeps up my face as I bit down on the inside of my cheek. Nodding my head, everyone at the table gasps loudly causing some people to turn around and stare at us.

"Why?! You know what he did to you. And now you're letting him get in your head again?!" Veronika growls at me as she quickly stands to her feet. "Where is he? I'm going to kick his ass."

"Would you sit your ass down and stop acting like a brat." Growling towards my cousin, I pull her back down to her seat and face my friends.

"And don't worry. It's nothing. He's just stuck on water and snack duty with me. Nothing wrong will happen." The group nod their heads towards me as I could feel Veronika staring me down.

Turning to face her, a fake smile plasters itself on my face as her eyes squint at me. "Wha—"

"Something happened. Spill." She whispers to me, already knowing me better than my own mother does.

"Fine. But not here. Follow me."

Standing, we told our friends that we were heading to the washroom and once in there I told her everything from today's events.

And boy, was she surprised.

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