Chapter 28

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"W-W-Wha—" Charles raises an eyebrow, practically telling me to shut up. So, I listen and slap my lips shut.

"Now. Why don't you tell me why you're back with Gallo after I told you specifically not to see him ever again?" His voice became like venom towards the end of his words. Causing an unwanted shiver to run down my spine.

Trying to avoid the question I look around the room at the guys who are still trying to get up. They grumble in pain as they scoot their way towards Charles.

I'm actually not surprised that these guys did it. Did this to me. After all, Costa does have the word Cost in his stupid name.

Which mean they must have done something to make it up to him now. That's how the drug world works. I should know.

I was going to be apart of it.

But something clicked in me before I realized it could get worse.

I just didn't know it was already too late for it to get any more worse.

Charles Costa always has games up his sleeves.

Always making people scared to get into contact with him. Hensing, the reason why Gallo always has business in the drug dealing game as not a lot of people are scared of him.

Charles will always have that twisted look on his face that only make high schoolers scared of him. Not adults though. Most of his clients come from the college or university kids as Charles always has his clicks there.

But he is known for being a drug lord now, so, maybe all of that has changed.

My mind seemed to have gone on its own track and before I understood what was happening, Charles was yelling at me and a sting quickly followed. My eyes widen as my mouth gaped open. The sting turns to a burn on my cheek as I gently grab it and look at him.

I don't cry because I know its what he wants. He wants to see me cry again. But I'm not the same girl I was all those years ago. I changed. I became stronger.

So, before he could say anything, I slap him across the face. Hard. Really hard that it leaves a hand print on his cheek when I remove my hand.

His buddies managed to get up and lean against the wall to watch the situation unfold but nothing else is meant to be said; or done for that matter. I just slapped the drug lord across the face.

And I feel good about it.

Not scared.

Not the petrified.

Not anything!

I feel happy.

A smile finds it way to my face as I stare up into the bright green-eyed beast in front of me. Charles—or should I say Costa—holds his cheek as his green-eyes widen at me.

His mouth is in a straight line as his nostrils flare; but my smile doesn't disappear and I don't back down either.

Instead, I stand tall and give him my best death glare. "You should NEVER put your hands on a girl. Especially if it involves hitting them." My words are like venom as I spit in his face right afterwards. "Now, get me the hell out of here before I slap you again."

He wipes the saliva off his face. His eyes are closed as his breathing is calm.

That's when everything sinks in. What the hell did I just do?!

Talking back to him. Glaring at him. Yelling at him.


I'm lucky that I'm still alive!

He opens his eyes and just when I think he's about to punch me or kill me, he smirks at me.

He gives me his stupid signature smirk that I've seen more of in five minutes than someone has in their life time.

But this time, it has a little twist to it. A little bit curvier as I can already tell he has a plan forming.

Looking into his eyes, I could already see the gears turning behind his green orbs. Practically telling me to get ready for what he has in store for me.

I gulp as I stay put. I want to move back. I want to run out of here but instead my body freezes and I'm stuck standing in front of him.

"Oh, Samantha." The way he says my names causes an uneasy feeling to settle in my stomach. "Samantha. Samantha. Samantha." He tsks at me as he begins to circle me. Kinda like how a lion circles the animal he wants to kill.

I'm going to die.

"You know better than to BARK," He says loudly in my right ear causing me to flinch at his sudden movements "orders at me." His voice goes back to soft, almost like silk.

"I-I" But before I can say anything, he's back in my face with that stupid smirk still playing on his lips. He shuts me up in seconds by just his eyes alone attempting to hold mine.

Looking around the room is my only option but even at that after a few times of his trying to get my attention, he gets fed up and roughly grabs my face to look at his. My heart beats fast as I try to control my breathing. I need to get out but I know if I do, I won't be getting out in one piece.

"You made a mistake yelling at me." Charles says his words slow. Which scares me because he usually yells them. "Now. Answer my question. Tell me why you're back with Gallo after I told you not to see him ever again?"


"Use your words Samantha. Do you need me to slap you again?" This time his smirk is gone as he playfully raises an eye brow at me and a small smile is tugging at the corner of his lips.

"I-I don't know. It kinda h-happened..."

"What do you mean it kinda happened?" He growls in my face as his eyes darken. "Did you not understand me last time? I told you if you wanted to keep your precious Gavin Gallo safe you had to stay away from him."

"I know! But what was I supposed to do?!"

"I don't know. Maybe slap him like you did to me 10 minutes ago?!"

I find myself nodding as his smile grows.

"I guess you need to pay the price. After all, I did tell you the consequences of what would happen if you ever did see him again..." Charles trails off and I already see him planning Gavin's death.

"NO! Please! I swear! I'll do anything. Just PLEASE! Keep him alive. Everything that happened was my fault. Not his. We both know that he was only protecting me..."


"Please..." I practically beg him as I'm willing to pay whatever price he has for me since we were 13.

"Alright." His smirk returns. Great. "Since you're willing to do anything, I think it's only fair that you no longer speak to Gallo. That includes text messages, phone calls and any way of connecting or talking to him."


"Oh. I'm not finished." My heart drops a thousand feet. Shit. "You will become my girlfriend."

That's when I feel like throwing up. "No. NEVER! I'd rather die than be your girlfriend."

"That could always be arraigned." Snapping his fingers, the guys behind him quickly pull out their guns and aim them all at me. Feeling my bile coming up my throat, I push it down and raise my head.

"You wouldn't..."

"But I would. I would kill you and Gallo in a blink of an eye." Hearing the clicking of the gun makes me shake as Charles gives me a playful look. "You have five seconds to decide your faith. Either be with me and never talk to Gallo again. Or. Die. The both of you."

I don't take long to agree with Charles as his smile grows. "Deal! I'll be your girlfriend and never speak to Gavin. Just please don't hurt him." I beg.

"We'll see." Is all he says before walking out of the changing room with his goons following behind.

I just made a deal with the devil.

What the hell did I just do?

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