Chapter 16

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Finished my exams! XD
So get ready! This is about to get good!

It felt like I've been sitting here for hours. I can't use my phone because it's dead and I couldn't call anyone anyways!

And! It's starting to get really cold in here.

Bonus part is that I removed most of the paint that was on me. My face is somewhat cleaned up, along with my arms and neck. Everything else is just on my clothes or in my hair. A shower is due the second I get out of here!

I kept my painting on the stand and didn't bother to finish it. Or even touch it for the matter.

My mind has been taking up so much of my time that I couldn't feel the temperature drop in here.

My mind was running on one person only. Gavin Gallo. And I still don't know why. It was as if my brain was trying to tell me something. As if it was saying that he was coming to get me. But I doubt that. He's probably back in the class room.

The lunch bell rang twenty minutes ago and the damn music was still blasting through my art teacher's speakers.

Did he even remember that I was here?

Shrugging it off, I push my body closer to the closed door. Maybe some type of heat would come out. My eyes began to droop down a bit as I heard footsteps rushing over to the door.

"Samantha?!" A voice calls for me from the other side.

"Y-Yah?" I stutter out as my teeth begin to shatter. How cold is it in here?!!

"Oh my god. Samantha! Listen to me! I need you to move from the door."

I nod my head and slowly crawl towards the corner that's next to the door.

"Are you away?"


"Okay. Don't worry Samantha. Help is on the way." The voice said as many more quickly followed afterwards. My eyes continued to close as I heard a bang.





The door busted opened and my art teacher was standing in front of me with two big bulky guys breathing heavy and some other students.

"Samantha. I need you to keep your eyes open for me. The nurse is on her way up."

His voice sounded so distant that when I saw my nurse walk threw the busted down door, my body shut down and my eyes fully closed.


It feels like I just closed my eyes.

The bright lights in the room make me groan as my arm swings over my eyes as I try to block out the brightness.

"Well! It's about time your away! Damn right gave me a heart attack when I found you sitting in that class room covered in paint!" A voice yells at me making me groan at it.

"Shut up." I mumble at the intruder.

A soft chuckle is heard from him as I instantly know who it is. Removing my arm, I blink a couple of times to face the one and only Gavin Gallo.

"Ugh. Great. You're here." Looking around the room for the nurse, a sigh leaves my lips as I look back at him. "Why isn't this damn nurse in here whenever you're with me."

"That's because she's taking a piss." Gallo shrugs as he leans back on the chair besides my bed.

"Wait..." Then it clicked. "You...You found me in that room?"

He nods his head as he moves his body closer to mine. "I didn't see you in class. The teacher thought you were running late but I knew something was up because you're never late to class... like ever. I should have left then but the teacher wouldn't let me because lunch had just finished and since she plays by the rules...well you get the idea..."

"Gavin!" I shout while cutting him off.

He hums in response and my eyes roll at his cuteness. Did I just call him cute?

Shaking my head, I gave him a small smile. "Get to the point."

"Oh right...well...Julia walked in all happy came over to me. She called her friends over to sit with us and began to whisper about putting someone in the art teachers back room. That was when I really started to listen in. She was laughing about the fact that she covered the girl in paint and locked her in there while she broke the thermometer next to the door and jammed you in by putting one of the teacher's old lock on it."

He sighs as he looks down to his hands and begin to play with them. "That was when it clicked and I ran out of the class room. Your friends were worried and were about to leave to go check on you but I pushed them out of the way saying that I would come find you...and I did."

Looking back up to me, his face no longer held the mischief and cockiness that I know. It held sadness and anger. But mainly sadness. "For some reason I couldn't believe Julia did that. But when I got there and saw the broken thermometer with the lock on the door...I froze. The teacher ended up coming over but he couldn't open the lock. That was when I grabbed Thomas and we had to break down that door to see if you were alright."

I could feel my heart strings tug a bit and before I understood what I was doing, my arms wrapped themselves around his neck bringing him close to my face as my lips lock with his.

We move in sink for a couple of minutes, as the sparks between us instantly fly. Pulling away, a goofy smile is placed on my face. "Gavin...Thank you."

"Your damn welcome babe." He smiles back at me as he pecks my lips once more. "I'll go get the nurse."

Nodding my head, we pull apart and he leaves the room.

This book might contain Mature content.
But later on...
I think...
Im still trying to figure it out but I'll mark the *Mature Content* chapters.

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