In The Mist

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um I am sooooo sorry for not posting anything for about 10 days. I truly am sorry, it's just that my mother came and force me to do math everyday is tiring, I hardly have time to write this book. I won't be updating as often as before so please be with me.


"I don't actually know. ...I think... I... I might have a vision..."

Hawk's POV

I was shocked, this statement only made me more suspicious, "what kind of vision?" I asked carefully. "it's... it's like I've been through another life, like I dreamt about another person's memory." She said. Ok, I'm confused and this whole thing just kinda... creep me out. Just what the heck, a vision?! What the hell?! I took a deep breath and progress her speech, "and what did you find out about that vision?" I asked, unaware of my surroundings as I talked to Lanya. "Well... I can't tell you anything..." she said, I'm now annoyed at her, damn did she just- "we're lost" the girl beside me says. I look around, realised that the others were no where to be seen, guess I was in deep thought that didn't even bother to look around.

"Have you heard about the legend?" Lanya asked changing the subject, as though she knows everything about the enchanted forest though it's her first time being in Fairytale Land. "What legend?" I asked, finding it a interesting topic. She sighed, "legend has said when a person desperately want to meet a late friend... the forest will grant this wish. You get to meet a late friend only if you are surrounded by the forest mist, which is now. However, if you ever get lost in the mist, you'll never get out of the forest." By the time she ended her speech, my eyes light up. A late friend... Rose... I instantly think of her, being surrounded by the mist I already want to meet Rose.

"Hawk..." my head shot up in search of the owner of this voice, "Hawk..." the voice came louder this time. I run a few step, ignoring the fact whether Lanya is with me or not. I stopped my tracks, trying to catch my breath, as soon as I resume my search, she came out. "Rose... Rose!!" I exclaimed in joy, running straight towards the ghostly figure. We embrace each other, unable to let go one another.

"Hawk..." she whispered in my ear, "I miss you so much..." my eyes got all teary as she call for my name, damn nice job man, nice job. I hold onto her tighter, "I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough... I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together... I'm sor-" "don't" I shut her, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, I can't be there for you when I'm in danger..." we stare into each other's eye in awe, inching closer with each moment. Our lips met each other, the aching and empty feeling inside was then disappeared into thin air. Replaced by joy and happiness, forever. We both felt like this moment can never end, but the reality is always cruel, nothing is fair. There's basically never a 'happily ever after' for us, but we never gave up hope...

We broke our kiss, enjoying the peaceful silence between us, no words need to be said. Until... Rose have some unfinished business and needs to leave, I felt my heart break into a million of pieces but know that I need to let her go sooner or later. "Thank you Hawk, I'll come back for you." She said and walks away, I stand there dumbfounded with silent sobs.

With Lanya

I know Hawk left me in search of his girlfriend, at least that's what the dream told me... I stand at one place, not bothered to leave in case the mist cleared and finding myself lost. I waited and waited, nothing really happen, just complete silence. It might not seem like it but we are all so close to each other, we just can't see through the mist. Soon, a figure walk towards me, I recognise her, I'm seeing everything in her point of view from my dream. I back away, a bit scared to see the person... uh Rose... "h-how can I h-help you?" I tried not to stutter too much, she gave me a knowing smile and speaks, "I know you had been having these strange dreams of my life." She said, of course she knows, she might even be the one who gave me these dreams!

"Who exactly is you?" I asked trying not to sound awkward, she chuckled at me so I narrow my eyes. "No one important, don't freak it too much though. The world is within your hands, make the right choice or destruction will fall. I will be there to guide and help you, magic especially, but fall to the wrong hands and it will all come to an end. This is my wand, I want you to have it, don't use it in front of others though. Tell them nothing about me and your dreams, once you are able to control my wand's magic, I'll teach you the secret to use magic without a wand." I look at her paled, knowing the world's fate lies with me is one big responsibility, "don't worry young one, I'm here with you. Remember to never give up until the end." She said shoving her wand into my palms and turn to leave.

I stand there staring at the wand and the mist starts to clear, putting my wand into my pocket as soon as possible so that no one can see it. The mist cleared completely, out group members staring at each other and Hawk decided to speak up, "Lets head back..." we nodded, knowing that Hawk don't want to talk about it.

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