Rise of Evil

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I am so sorry for not updating for a long time. After my mother came to Australia I've been studying 24/7, I never get a break and if I do it's only 10 minutes. I have about 5 tests/ projects coming soon later this and next week so don't expect me to post anything, I will make it up to you all I promise. But until then...
This story is in Lanya's perspective.


After leaving the Enchanted Forest, the gang and I walked in utter silence until I spoke up. "Who is it you want to meet, Hawk?" Hawk stayed silent, unwilling to reveal his deepest and darkest feelings to a person who he just met that day, which is I. "No one... in particular..." he answer, I took a guess, "Rose..." Then they all stopped walking and look at me with disbelieve, "how... did you know...?" Astoria ask carefully, "who exactly is... you...?" Ling Ling quickly followed.

I stayed silent, knowing that Rose doesn't want anyone to know about this. "Just a hunch, I heard this Rose person is very important to you all, it's only natural..." I replied, but they picked up my nervousness. Being in their sad nature right now, they decided to drop it and wait for another time. We start walking again, this time they talk about some small topics, their tests and how they will save the world again.

Soon, we return to school as the the students are leaving, bidding their goodbyes and went to their respective castle. Of course, I stayed back, having no castle, not knowing who my grandparent is. Then, I heard a cough behind me, trying to gain my attention. I spin around, revealing the Headmistress of the academy. "Good evening Lanya, I expect you to have a decent day with your new teammates?" She asked with a small smile, reminding her of Rose because of their similarities. I nodded, trying to stay as silent as possible, remember seeing her in one of my 'visions'.

"I don't expect you to have a home? Shall I give you a stay?" Cinderella asked kindly, which I was sure Rose view this person importantly. "Yes, I will gratefully accept, thank you for the stay Headmistress." She nods and went to search for a fine pumpkin while I stood there thinking back to my encounter with Rose, 'who exactly is you, Rose?' Then Headmistress called for me as she has already prepared our ride to the castle.

"Um... Headmistress?" I started, she turned to me so I took it as a cue, "what... is your relationship with Rose...?" She froze a bit and sighed, "Well... Rose is my granddaughter... she used to come to Regal Academy but... but a incident happened. She's somewhere faraway from us now, I guess." She sighed again, I can now confirm that Rose is dead, but I was surely surprise that Rose and headmistress are related. "Can I ask how you know about Rose? Perhaps Hawk and the others told you?" Headmistress asked. Though I know they are related, I still have to keep cautious, that's what Rose told me. "I... I... saw her...?" Great, I just messed up hard, mentally facepalmed myself. "You saw her?! She's alive? Where's she? Where did she go for the last two years? Why-" 'yep, I totally messed up...' I know it's not a good thing to do, but I cut her off. Her questions are bugging me, "no Headmistress, I saw Rose in the mist of the Enchanted Forest."

She looked at me and nodded in silence, I guess she's thinking what the others are thinking as well, probably not trusting me anymore. "By any chance do you know Rose before meeting her in the mist?" She asked, starting another conversation. "Well..." I considered for a while... no harm in telling her grandmother, right? "I'm Rose... I'm Rose in my dreams. This might not make sense, it's just... I saw her memories in the past and at her perspective. These... visions led me to this world..." I tried explaining, it doesn't make sense anyway so why did I bother at the first place. I can see hope in her eyes, though not saying anything, she looked at me smiling and nods as a sign of acknowledgement.

The ride was quiet, I look out to see the sun setting. Thinking back to a eventful day, having a ghost guide me through a Fairytale Land, meeting some 'friends', meeting a real ghost, finding out the world is about the fall in destruction... who only I can stop it. Then I heard a voice, 'thank you'. It says, and I can tell that the voice is from Rose. I stare blankly to the sky and smiles.


'I'm back'


My smile quickly turn into a frown. I was stunned, shocked, paralysed by the soft but evil sound. It's a vision, I saw a black smoke with a pair of dark eyes with few green smoke staring at me. It's a girl that's for sure, and somehow look similar to Rose. Her presence was scaring me, irritating, but most importantly, dark. I shake it off.

I trust Rose.
I know she's here.
I know she's protecting me.
I am,
her chosen one after all.


I know- this is short. Forgive me but I simply have no time. I'll try make it up to you next time (if only possible).

I guess I should give you a teaser for next chapter?? Well here goes:
"Where am I?"
"You're in your own universe, my child" a voice echo in this palette purple room.
"I don't understand."
She chuckles at me
"What's so funny?"
She appear in front of me, a white elegant grown women majestically float towards me after appearing out of no where.
"I'm here... for Lilith Cinderella..."

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