Our Doom

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The night of a full moon was always beautiful. But not tonight.

-Astoria's POV-

"Hawk got hit!" Ling Ling yelled, I can hear from her voice she was trembling.

"Should we go after him?" Travis shouted back, we didn't know what to do now that Hawk wasn't here.

"Don't panic! Our professors will definitely save him no matter what." Even though I said that my hands were shaking violently, I couldn't control it.

I manipulated fire that soared around the smoke. But nothing was working.

Anything we did got figured out quickly, and it backfired on us.

The arrows the were supposed to hit Lilith ended up slicing through my hair, it was pure luck that I managed to dodge that. Luckily as a Rapunzel, my hair grew back very soon.

A cloud of smoke charged towards me as I turned my fire bangles back to a wand and gripped tightly, "Tower Magic!" I said desperately, at the nick of time, the vines came out and blocked it.

"Astoria! Are you okay?" Joy came over to me and asked, she checked on me.

"Yes, thank you Joy- Watch out!" I pushed her away from the magic but it still managed to land a hit in her.

She charged towards me all of a sudden, with blank eyes.

"Joy? Are you-?!" she scratched my face, but thankfully my reflex kicked in and dodged a bit. A scar remained on my face.

"Astoria, go! Please don't care about me!" Joy said, it has appeared as if she was controlled by some invisible strings, like a puppet.

"Star safe until I get back okay?"

"Yea! Just go!" she used her magic on me and released some spit bugs.

I dodged them all and flew to the rest of my friends.

"Everyone, Joy is now being controlled by Lilith, we have to-?!"

I was shocked to see the sight in front of me. Everyone gripped on their wands while Ling Ling aimed her bow at me.

"Astoria, get help." Travis had a bitter expression on his face, and at that moment I flew top speed to the ground. I landed beside Hawk, he looked fine now.

"Hawk! You're fine!" I exclaimed, rejoiced.

"Astoria, what are you doing here?" Hawk was on his dragon, seemingly ready to go back.

"It's dangerous up there, the others got caught. I barely escaped." I looked at him worriedly, he doesn't seem like he knew what to do either. The others might be in trouble while we were just standing here waiting for a miracle.

"Is Travis alright?" Coach Beast asked, he was always brave, but this time he genuinely worried.

"He's fine, don't worry. He just got caught in a spell from Lilith... he might come to us...." I said, I was in a panic, I didn't know what to do, or say.

"𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝖈𝖆𝖓 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕 𝖒𝖊? 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖘𝖔 𝖋𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍..."

I was scared, I didn't know what to do.

This time... only this time... Katrina... we need her...

That was the only time I'd ever want to rely on someone like her, but she was powerful. I could only think of her to help.

My mind was racing, I couldn't think straight. It was like the world was failing me, everything I saw was a blur.

The next thing I knew, the professors collapsed to the floor. Seemingly lifeless body remained.

"Granny!" Hawk and I rushed towards our professors, they seemed to be in a lot of pain.

I didn't even help them... it's all my fault.

was what I thought, but I don't have time to deal with it. I was blinded with hatred, I'm losing control.

"Tower Magi-!!!"

-Hawk's POV-

Astoria attempted to use her magic towards Lilith but I knew It will be useless, besides... Joy, Travis and Ling Ling are used as shield! Lilith was so cruel... I can't believe that she could be Rose.

"Astoria! Calm down! Look in front of you, who do you see?"

Tears dripped from her eye, it was very painful for her and I understood. My granny too had been shot by Lilith, but we must remain calm. This was what Lilith wanted, for us to destroy ourselves.

"Don't worry Astoria, we tried our hardest, but we certainly cannot give up now. We've come so far, don't you think?" I looked at her with a sad smile, she nodded.

"Hawk... Astoria..." A trembling voice took our attention. We turned around and saw Headmistress Cinderella calling us over.

"The barrier... is

With that she fainted, unable to finish her sentence.

I wonder what she was talking about... the barrier? The barrier must've be gone by now right...? I mean... Lilith broke in...

"Hawk- watch out!" Astoria warned me, a dark magic came flying towards me in top speed. I could only watch it coming, I wasn't quick enough...

At the corner of my eye, I saw Astoria holding her hand out, reaching to me.

Please run Astoria, you'll get dragged into the spell too. Leave now so that you can live...

I shut my eyes tight, waiting for the impact of the magic...




But it never happened.

Did Astoria take the hit for me? Why am I still alive? Or did I die? Why didn't the magic hurt?

Questions swirled in my head, I couldn't focus. But one rational thing I did was opening my eyes.

-Third Person-

Two figures soared through the sky, jumping a ridiculously far distance.

"We have to hurry... Lanya." Lanya looked at the person who spoke to her and smiled.

"Glad to know you're alive..." Lanya replied, together they land on the floor and raced to the school that has been covered in smoke.

The figure threw her hands up indicating Lanya to not interfere. "stick to the ground or you might die. I'll meet you there."

The instant Lanya nodded, the figure dashed and jumped high up to the sky. If it was mistaken, people might think she could actually fly.

The figure's eagle eye landed on Hawk and Astoria, the presence of Lilith did not intrigue her.

"Tsk" hatred filled her face. The sight of Lilith fuelled every single part of her cells with hatred, they shout of destroying her.

The figure skydived to the location of Hawk and Astoria as she took her wand out.

"Light Magic"

All of a sudden, all darkness disappeared in front of their eyes.

The lights blinded Astoria, she looked up and saw a figure caped with black.

The figure turned,

"sorry for being late."

she smiled confidently.

The kind of smile Astoria never expected to see again.


I wonder who that might be?

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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