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"So... Why am I here?" Asked Lanya, who, actually already knows and was not about to help them. "I just want you to help us separate Ambrosia and Hawk so that he can turn back to being... himself." Joy said which others nodded in agreement, "so will you please help us in this? I know we don't exactly have a great past... but please, we need you." A moment of silent gave Lanya the chance to reconsider her decision, "just so you know I'm NOT begging you" Astoria quickly added and the others facepalmed.

"Astoria you shouldn't have said that! Now she might just walk off again like before!" Ling Ling whispered to Astoria causing her to tense a bit. Lanya heard all, 'maybe... just maybe, hanging with them won't be bad. That's what Rose want me to do anyway...' she thought to herself. "Ok, I will help you." The gang's face lit up in joy, "But- you will have to do something for me in return." She said, "and what might that 'something' be?" Travis asked and Lanya just shrugged, "I don't know, I still haven't think of it." She replied with a smile.

The gang look at each other in fear of what that 'something' might be, but they soon agreed with each other. "Okay, just tell us when you know what that 'something' is." Astoria said giving Lanya her best smile she got, Lanya nodded in response and start to walk away into the Library. "Hey where are you going?" Ling Ling ask. "Exploring, duh" Lanya rolled her eyes as if it's the most obvious thing ever. "But we want to know more about you first." Joy half whined which made Lanya stop on her tracks.

"What do you want to know?" Still having her back facing the gang, "Your relationship with Rose." Travis said bluntly which earned a smack on his head by Ling Ling. "that's none of your business, it's something we should never talk about again." She replied simply and start walking again, this time no one dared to stop her. They all heard the venom of threatening in her voice.

Lanya's POV

It's not like I can't tell them, they are Rose's best friend after all. But I know, I shouldn't for their sake if they want to survive that huge destruction Rose told me about. From what I heard, it's deadly, one wrong step I take and even Earth's sake will be dragged in.

Currently, I'm exploring the abandoned library where Rose and her enemy, Cynthia first met. And I can still feel it, the dark aura possessed in the centre of the library. Someone's here, I thought to myself. Turning the corner, I reached the cauldron. I can't see anyone but at least I know someone has been working on a dark potion here, and I know exactly who that someone is... Lilith Cinderella, shadow of Rose.

I used a light magic Rose taught me to deal with Lilith, and it worked perfectly but...
free us...
A voice called in my head, the work of Lilith. The next thing I know, Lilith zoomed in front and stand there smiling wickedly at me.
"You finally made it, young Lanya."
The shadow talked to me. "What do you want." I asked sternly gaining a confused look from her. "Whatever do you mean?" She asked innocently while I start to clutch my knuckles, "don't act all innocent, you are the one who removed Rose from this world. What's wrong with you?!" I half shouted at her.

She laughed, "oh her? She's a failure, I was simply doing a favour to the world. Besides, she's interfering my plan and I won't let that happen. I'm going to rule over Fairytale Land and you won't be invited to watch the show." She laughed again, geez this girl is getting to my nerves. She then rushed towards me chanting a dark spell, I start to panic, "Light Magic" I shouted, a light beam shot out from my palm and hit Lilith, which is only a shadow, what a shame. I pant hardly as she disappears into thin air, and heard another voice, belonging to Rose.

You did great Lanya, sorry I can't do more than that. I'm confused at her statement, 'more than that'? You might not see me but I'm right next to you which Lilith saw me, that's why she's rushing towards you. I lend some of my magic to you because yours is still not stable. She explained, I nod in understanding and calm myself from the overwhelming power of the dark.

Meanwhile with Hawk
Hawk's POV

Mmm... Ambrosia tastes like honey, her sweet lips pressed against mine. We are making out inside the janitor's closet. But the bell rang, indicating lesson is going to start. We broke our kiss before opening the door.

Damn school. I though to myself, I was having the time of my life and the bell just has to ring. I walk to my next class, potion class. I stopped as I have a terrible flashback about my moments with Rose Cinderella, I missed her so much and I thought Ambrosia can give me the emptiness I haven't felt for two years. She can't, I am well aware of it, but I only have her left now, I left my friends and chose Ambrosia over them. I'm a failure in life.

I'm here Hawk. I heard a voice, and I know it belonged to Rose, "Rose!" I look around in hopes of finding her. You are not a failure Hawk, don't give up until the end. Okay?


I finished this chapter, finally! So you see... I had a lot of assignments this week, but thank you those who was always supporting! I thought I won't finish this chapter until few days later so I replied some comments saying that I won't post any time soon, sorry for that.

Anyways, I am SO SUPER sorry for the Hawk and Ambrosia making out part. I too was having a hard time writing it, I literally puked because of that.

And maybe some of you noticed that I used Ash's quote at the end, from Pokemon XY. I love that anime sm.

Remember to live that Fairytale in you!

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