Fear of Unknown

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Woken up with tears, Rose wiped away her fears. It was still late in the middle of the night. There is no time to cry. She thought to herself as she stood up, walked over to her bedroom doors. Only to found out that she's inside her bedroom. Everything was like a blur, she didn't remember that she climbed her bed last night. She only knew she fainted and that was all.

"What happened?" she asked no one in particular, not expecting an answer anyways, "ughhh, my head hurts..."

She sighed and looked around. Nothing much changed, but she found a blue and red hybrid-like rose lying on her table. Without second thoughts, she grabbed her wand and it instantly turned into a terrifying sharp sword.

"Come out here this instant!" she raised her voice, eyes turned yellow with a bat-like iris.

"Wow there princess, chill. It's me, your handsome and charming prince." he gave her a smug smile and pointed fingers guns at her.

She dashed towards the him, wrapped her arm around his neck tightly and point the dagger on his throat. "Who are you." she brutally said, eyes still shining bright.

"Aww, I knew you missed me but you don't need to hug me this tightly, Rose Cinderella." she flinched as a pair of shadow hands wrapped around her and pulled her down.

"You know exactly who I am, just admit it. You've lost." his eyes glowed green, just like Rose's.

"Lilith." she hissed. "what are you doing here?"

"Why? To visit you, princess. You know I love you." smokes flew in and covered his body. As it left it revealed a girl, dark purple hair with pink and red highlight. "You're going to hell today my dear. Time for you to understand my misery." she pushed Rose down, magic circle surrounded her and a pair of green hands escalated from the ground. It grabbed her, dragged her to the core of earth or you may call it... the hell.

Rose yelped at the strong palms that grabbed her. "Don't worry, this is just the beginning." Lilith smiled at the sight of her other self disappear.

The weekend has passed and school started few hours already, chatters can be heard from all directions.

"Did you hear? Katrina wasn't here today! What do you think happened?"

"I heard... maybe she's sick?"

"Or maybe she forgot there's school?"

"Ooooooh... or maybe... Lilith took her..." a girl spook the other holding a torch underneath her chin.

"Don't joke like that..." some other girl got the chills down her spine.

"Hey look, Astoria's coming..." a boy from their class whispered softly so that the other students couldn't hear. "heard she didn't get first in her class test last friday, and yet she bragged at how she's gonna win that thing, what an embarrassement to her team."

"Don't say it too loudly, she might hear us!"

Little did they know Astoria caught on to everything they've said, she clenched her fist. That was just a little warm up, I'll win next time you'll see!

-Interdimension, Rose's Current Realm-

She finally woke up, to the sound of nothingness. "Where am I?" she asked, not expecting an answer.

"It's the interdimension..."

Rose caught off guard, turned around and faced the voice in a stance. "Please don't fear, I am here to help. I was also one of Lilith's prisoner."

Prisoner? She pondered. "what do you mean by 'prisoner'?" she tensed a bit.

"Everyone you find in this dimension have extreme amount of powers, but none of us was able to break out. With you, it might be different, as this spell was originally created by you." the girl said.

Rose wavered. Created? Everything the girl said made Rose even more confused, what did she create?

As if reading her mind, the girl answered, "this dimension, it was created by you. And the ways to enter and exit was also created by you. It's just... I heard that you created this dimension unconciously so... um... I'm not sure if you remember this spell..."

Rose hummed. Inside this world, she can sense everything surround her. Lilith included. She could feel her motives, she could sense every emotion of hers. Not only Lilith's, she felt hint of sadness and anxious with the girl oppose her.

I guess this is the privillage of creating the dimension...

"We... also have a theory about why Lilith chose to use your dimension... I heard from others she used this was because you created it. And since she was your clone, whatever you know she knows. Well at least she tried to know, if you know what I meant."

Awkwardness filled the air, but Rose has relaxed a bit.

"Oh! How rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Oceania, a descendant of Ariel, from My Little Mermaid-"

Rose jumped up in joy, squeeling excitement. "ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Ariel? As in Ariel, Ariel?! I'm a huuuuuge fan! Do you have any item that I can store in this box?" Rose reach out her treasure box but took it back immidiately. Her inner self was showing, and she couldn't afford the same thing to happen twice. "sorry, that was immature of me, please forgive me."

Oceania smiled warmly and nodded, indicated Rose has been forgiven.

After some time, Oceania left to attend some errands with her friends. It was like a modern world, except it was filled with fairytale characters.

Finally, Rose has decided. For the rest of her time here, she knew she couldn't escape unless she remember her way to exit, or maybe even the cause of creating this dimension. While figuring her way out, she'd train day and night so she can defeat Lilith when she finally left this place.

Oceania told her about how this world worked. The time in both Fairytale Dimension and this dimension are the same, so currently it would be approximately 6pm on Monday.

I wonder how long might it need to take for me to remember the way out... Lilith shouldn't make her move this early... but considering I'm out of her way, she should start to progress quicker than before. Please stay safe, Astoria... Travis... Ling Ling... Joy... and... Hawk... stay safe until I get back...

A tear rolled down from her rosy cheek, but she attempted to keep her emotions hidden. After all, she have to save them. No one can be save until Lilith perish from this filthy world.


Phew! Another chapter done! Hahah. Recently, I've been taking liking to all sorts of animes, cartoons and stuff. I've been writing plots for each shows, it'll take time to feature each one as I will be working on a Pokemon fanfic, the first chapter/ prologue will be uploaded hopefully on the last day of December! (Sydney time)

This story is coming to an end and though I may have stopped for a while in the middle, I don't regret ever writing this book. It was a great experience and I've learnt a lot of writing skills thanks to it! So I thank you for spending your time to read this book, it may not be a lot of you readers, but you're the ones that motivate me to finish this book. (It wasn't as much as my first book, I'm gonna assume either my writing suck or the RA fan base shrunken) I'm vert grateful indeed, and I hope you'd all support all my future works as well! Once again, thank you!

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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