Strong Tears

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She breathed. Her body was aching.

It started these few days, she felt numb, she couldn't move. She was tired of it.

"This is a Virtual World, my Virtual Reality."

Her vision or dream or whatever you call it. It broke down the dam to her past, she remembered. She remembered how tough those days was. She remembered what caused her attitude. And she remembered, she had truly met Cynthia before. And they met again as enemies.

She was frustrated. She wanted to cry.

Except she can't.

People are still expecting me to save them, I can't fall here.

She dug in deep into her memories, fragments of how she came to this world. She needed more, she needed to remember how to leave the world.

"Let me see the world, the world shall break. Around the core shall I awake."

It was what written on the book, the spell to leave this place. Of course, just knowing the spell won't help, there are conditions to everything.

When you once find yourself, you may leave.

Was what it says.

Rose didn't understand the meaning, she thought there was a problem with the spell. She tried every hour to see if there was a crack between two worlds, but no luck.

She decided to train instead, to improve her magic.

After a few hours, she walked around town for a rest and saw Oceania with her friends.

"Oceania" she called.

"Rose!" Oceania jolted but loses all her energy, she slumped on the floor.

"Oceania, what's wrong?" Rose panicked at the sight of her friend.

"I... I don't know. After our third week here we felt very tired, we didn't have the strength to do anything. Sometimes, we can't even stand up, like now." Oceania said with tears in her eyes. "please Rose, if you have any questions ask me. I want to help you. I know I don't have much time left and I can feel it... so ask me, anything."

Rose too wanted to shed tears but held them back as it was a critical moment. "can you tell me the meaning of 'finding yourself'?" she asked in hopes to leave this world and save everyone.

"... you've found a way huh? I believe it want you to admit your desire and believe in whoever you are. I can't tell you any further as it might take a turn for worst." she replied with a sad smile.

Rose felt it too, Oceania's time is nearly up.

"I don't want to die on my own... this may be a selfish request but please, hold me close to you. And if you found my parents in the future, give them my regards." she said, yellow particles surrounded her body. "I can see it, my corpse is near the coast at the Dark Sea..."

Rose held her tight as the particles slowly dissolve to the air. "Thank you," Oceania smiled as her last bits evaporate into nothingness.

"...may you rest in peace." Rose said to the flowing particles that has yet to dissolve, it danced around the night sky and left Rose alone in her world.

Once again she couldn't save the people she cared for, why couldn't she do anything right?

I know... when one soul left their body for too long, they are considered as wandering souls. And wandering souls have no purpose in the world, they automatically brings the soul to heaven or hell.

She desperately wanted to cry, but as the heroine she can't show weakness. Especially not at her enemy's territory. She sighed, mourned Oceania's death and went back to practice. There is no time to rest.

-Fairytale Land-

Cinderella woke up panting heavily. She knew, the barrier is getting even weaker. She looked up to the night sky, please be careful Rose.

Her mind raced through all their memories together. I still need you.

For the whole week, the heroes has been training hard to defeat Lilith as they pray for Rose's return. Lilith just sat inside her castle waiting for the barrier to be down. And Rose training day and night, nonstop to finally end the reign of her evil behalf. She also tried to figure out whatever Oceania told her about, what was to take to find herself?

-Virtual World-

Rose held tight on her wand. She remembered a spell that she learnt from the Cinderella Family Spell Book. One of them mentioned a spell to see every corner of the world, nothing can hide.

A hole teared open the sky, she saw what had happened when Lilith gave Taima the note. She saw then note.

Seven days until she attack... seven days until I die... I must hurry.

Nothing shall happen in my watch.


This is shorter than normal chapters but it's just random stuffs. So yea I time skipped a week in just a chapter because I wasn't bothered to write how they trained, just imagine them with their professors using magic and riding their dragons. 

If you haven't notice, italics are thoughts.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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