I Can't

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"ARGHHHHH" Hawk screamed out his frustration. "It's no use... I still can't get over Rose. WhatshouldIdo WhatshouldIdo WhatshouldIdo WhatshouldId-"

"Hawk dear~~ it's time for school~" SnowWhite's 'kind' words made Hawk jump as he had never heard his grandmother talk in a seductive tone, and he kind of want to puke. He made a face. "Now I finally got your attention after 10 minutes of knocking on your door seriously Hawk SnowWhite I expect better!" Here she goes again...

"Yes granny, I'll behave." Hawk said it half-heartedly. "You better be" and just that, she slammed his door. Sighing, Hawk went to get ready for another day of school.


"Hey Hawk." Lanya walk towards Hawk, "Hawk?"

"Huh? Oh, Lanya... I know I said that I've let go of Rose but-" "But you can't forget her can you? Hmm... the most important thing about girls is not how you approach them, it's whether she's the right girl or not. Change targets." Lanya said it smoothly and I obviously took the line of Kagami from Miraculous Ladybug.

Hawk stayed silent. Lanya secretly knows that Rose isn't dead, they are even friends. But, she won't hesitate when it comes to love, she found the one she likes, she'll fight for him. Sorry Rose, but I... fell in love with Hawk. "Anyways," Lanya said desperately trying to change the subject, "do you know there will be a transfer student coming?"

That lightened up the mood pretty much. "Who is it? A boy or a girl? I hope it's a he... so I can have more dudes. I mean, I only have Travis with me... but he have a girlfriend... F to pay respect" Hawk said dramatically. "...f...?" Lanya is a bit confuse but played along. "Anyways, she's a girl, sorry, 'dude'." She laugh at her own 'joke'. "Very funny Lanya, very funny indeed..." He rolled his eyes as a sign of sarcasm.


Hawk's POV

It is now Potion Class, the second period today. Also the first period I saw her, the new transfer student. And W. O. W. Totally mind blown, I had never seen a girl as beautiful as her, except for Rose. "Students, please listen. Some of you may already have met her at first period, but for those who didn't, please introduce yourself." He gestured the pretty girl for a speech.

...she remained silent as she scanned the whole room. As her gaze land on me, I quickly look away, those eyes, looked like she was possessed by some kind of demon. Lifeless, deadly and distance... yet powerful. It was as if she came from the dead, her skin is pale and in a way or other, she carries that majestic but mysterious aura.

"Um... miss?" I mentally facepalmed myself, realising the teacher had no idea what her name is despite being a 'teacher'. "Will you introduce yourself?" She remained silent for a few seconds before replying, "Katrina." Pffft what a girl, she's something. I bet the teacher is gonna be pissed sooner or later.

And of course, the teacher twitched his eyebrows in annoyance but acted nicely since it's the girl's first day. "Would you mind telling us about yourself more? Maybe your last name? Birthday? What is your hobby? Favourite colour? Subje-" Before the teacher can finish his chunk of questions, the girl who named Katrina cut him off, "listen, I'm here for class, not here to let you ramble some questions that none of you need to know. This is a personal information and you don't have the right to know anything either. Besides, you will only require my first name to teach this class." And just that, she walks over to a cauldron, "you can start teaching." She said. This will be a fun semester.

Some of the students in my class aren't surprise at her introduction. I guess they met her at first period... Well, I'm just gonna try to talk to her then. When I approach her, I heard a familiar voice, "Hawk, you better get here before we get the lowest grade." The one and only Ambrosia. "Chill, I'm just going to talk to the new girl since she seem alone and fun to hang out with." I said it with ease, but Ambrosia's face says otherwise, "I wouldn't if I were you... but there's no harm doing it. She'll just ignore you or shove you away. I think she prefers being alone."

"She soon wouldn't I'll be back soon so don't worry about the grades, we'll get the best grade in this class for sure." I said as I walk towards the beautiful girl. "Of course you'll come back soon, she'll beat the..." I faintly heard Ambrosia mumbling to herself but shrugged it off since I've nearly reached the girl. 'What should I say to her? Should I start with a hey~? No, that might sound creepy... hi? Sounds to plain...' Before I know it, I'm just standing beside her and staring at her face. "If you are done staring then leave." I came back to my senses as I heard that, "excuse me? I was trying to be nice!" I said without thinking, "s-sorry... I didn't mean it."

"Ha sure, of course you didn't." She didn't even look at me all this time, is she nuts? That's so rude. "At least you should look at me when I'm trying to have a conversation going on, seriously what's wrong with you? Acting all high and mighty just because you're new and on your first day. Don't get cocky here now I'll tell you, you're just a mutt." The whole class gasps as I said that out loud. Now everyone is whispering about this.

"Did you hear that? Hawk just called the new girl mutt..."

"Poor girl, what has she done wrong to him?"

"I personally think she deserves it, I mean, who is she to talk to Hawk that way?"

"But except for that which I don't think is rather a big deal, Hawk just called her something that he said he'd never call anyone with it. Besides, it's the first time we've ever heard using that kind of language..."

Well, this sucks. Yea, you may not know but I actually know a lot of swear words, I don't use them because one, I'll ruin granny's reputation. Two, it'll ruin my reputation. At least I didn't call her by the b word.

"Heh, think you're so great just because you swore?"


Hey everyone! After a long time of thinking, this series is my first ever 'book' I've ever wrote... so to put it simple, I'll continue the book until I finish it... I hope. The funniest thing is, I've planned the end but I've never thought of what happens at the middle.

Anyways, aren't you curious about Katrina? She's my new OC, guess her role in this story. Well, thank you for your kind words!

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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