Cinderella {Part 2}

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Sighing, the headmistress who was called 'Rose' replied, "Lavender you're going to make suspicions. Even though none of these people actually know who Katrina is doesn't mean you can go around to make a fuss. Though it's not in my favour, people are going to suspect me if I don't give you detention. This evening after school come to my office."

"Meh, it's not like I care or anything. By the way, this flesh is really uncomfortable, mind changing yours with mine?" The 'headmistress' raised an eyebrow, "and I thought you said you don't care? Changing flesh to avoid detention? No way, I'll change. Once you finish your detention."

And just that, Hawk went into the office, they discussed what happened earlier and both received detention. Katrina for making a scene and Hawk for using offensive spells in class. "I expect better next time, you may go." Headmistress dismissed the two.

-The End of the Day-

"Where's Katrina?" SnowWhite asks her grandchild, "I simply can't believe you got in trouble, we as SnowWhite family should keep up our reputation and you ruined it all. I even heard from your classmates that you've... swore." Hawk gulped nervously as his grandmother walk closer to him. "Sorry I'm late!" Katrina flung the door open, disrupting the two. "Uhh... am I disturbing you? I can just leave first if you-" She got cut off by SnowWhite typical old fashion way. "No! No one is going to leave under me until you fully reflected on what you did."

"Oh yea, I've been thinking about it for the whooole day about what I did and I am so sorry I caused trouble." She made a sad face, "can you ever forgive me professor?" Then made a puppy eyes begging for forgiveness. "Well... if you really did think about your wrong deed and promise me to never do it again then yes you may go."

"Ohhh thank you, thank you professor. I will behave and make you proud. I'll be cooperative to others and respect, I will also prove to you that I've been paying attention to class by getting the highest mark in the next up coming test. So please, I beg for your forgiveness." Katrina did a bow sincerely to the head discipline teacher.

"Ha! Pu-leese, since it's a individual test, we won't get in Astoria's way to get the highest mark. You want to compete with her? That's quite impossible." Hawk thought he has won but sadly he have no idea what author has in store for this fic. Then of course, professor SnowWhite glared at him.

"Now if you say it, you must do it. By the end of this week, we will have a topic test on spells, you will score highest in your class... no in your year. And you will also fulfil your other promises such as being respectful and no more talking back to others unless you are self defending, understood?"

"Yes ma'am, I will not fail you." And just that, Katrina walk out of the ceremony hall, glancing back at Hawk with a smirk. This just gave Hawk a great idea, "granny can I-" and he got cut off rudely, "no Hawk, I can see that she is sincere, you just want to leave. Hmph, your punishment will be no apples for two weeks!"

-Before Katrina Arrive the Ceremony Hall-

"Pssst Katrina, come with me." Headmistress Cinderella led Katrina in her office. "Let's change flesh. I've thought about it and... I'll help you get out of detention since I know you can't do it yourself." Katrina laughs, "what is there that I, Lavender can't do?"

"...Controlling your temper.... there's more but you wouldn't want to know-"

"As a matter of fact a can control my temper perfectly." Cinderella just stood there blinking her eyes. 'Totally, so let's change."


Cinderella chants, "Soul, wander."

The souls of two bodies fade out, leaving Cinderella and Katrina's human flesh lying on the ground. The soul who originally in Cinderella's body flew into Katrina's as 'Katrina's' did the same.

"Ughh my head hurts. Please don't do that again. I can't take it." The new Cinderella said to the old Katrina. "If you insist, but you won't be attending school anymore, just sit in this boring room doing... stuff. Instead, I get to have all the fun."

"Yea yea whatever, go do your plan. I'm gonna sit here and chill." 'Katrina' pouted, "Don't forget you are the acting headmistress now, don't be rude to the other professors."

"Fine, mom."


Maybe you are confused maybe you  aren't, basically there are two powerful souls that takes over Cinderella and Katrina's (Just a character I made up, don't have actual purpose in this fic) flesh (bodies) to fit in with the people in Regal Academy. The flashback -Before Katrina Arrive Ceremony Hall-  is about why Katrina had a sudden change in attitude. Inside Cinderella's office, the soul processing Cinderella's body and the soul processing Katrina's soul exchanges. So now, Old Cinderella became the new Katrina and old Katrina became new Cinderella. They swap places.

I found it amusing that instead of writing this chapter, I was focusing on the last chapter. I haven't even write the chapters in between, straight to the finale. I hope you can read it sooner but too bad lazy author kick in and decided to do nothing.

Remember! live that fairytale in you!

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