True Happiness

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"Now everyone!" Lanya shouted to her fellow gang. They are currently bringing the real Hawk back. "Tower Magic!" Astoria used her magic on Ambrosia, soon she's covered with vines. "Hawkie! Help!" She yelled from within. "What are you doing with-" "Frog Magic" Joy cut him off and turned him into a frog. They captured him and went to a room to wait for the magic to wear off. "Guys, you can all leave now, I'll take care of the rest." Lanya told them which they wanted to protest but knew it won't work if they want Hawk back. They left leaving Lanya in the room alone waiting for Hawk to turn back.

About an hour later, Hawk started to turn back into his human form. "What was that for?!" He looked at general directions searching for Lanya in anger, "you just-" "Don't hide it Hawk SnowWhite, I know you more than you believe." Lanya said stepping out from the dark.

—2 days ago—

"How can I help?" Lanya asked the gang, who closed the doors behind them. "We want to bring Hawk back, I thought we told you before." Astoria said. "Yes, but- ugh whatever... I've been thinking this situation for the whole weekend and came up with a conclusion..." she paused a while making sure everyone is following, "we're doing some kidnapping..." she smiled wickedly but not in a evil way, more like... a mischievous way.

-3 days after-

"Hey guys!" Hawk said to the gang. "Hawk! You're back dude!" Travis exclaimed patted his back as he arrives. "hAwKIe~~" whined a voice which cause the gang to groan in frustration, she looked at Travis then Hawk and snapped furiously. "Hawk! I told you not to hang with the losers, you dare to disobey me?!" For some reason Ambrosia became so in-control after dating Hawk.

Just then, Lanya came over and analysed the situation, she nudged Hawk indicated he should think before he say. Under the pressure of being stared by the gang and especially two girls who are forcing him to speak, he made a decision. "Ambrosia..." this made the atmosphere around them tighten, everyone is nervous of what he's gonna say, but Lanya somehow seem pleased with how things are going on.

"We are breaking up." he stated sternly


It was as if the whole world is crumbling with just her scream. The gang sighed in relieve as Lanya put on a smug smile, "Hawkie~~~" Ambrosia flicked her eyelashes and made puppy eyes as she said seducingly with the gang vomiting at the background. "No Ambrosia, enough is enough, we're done. Rose never left my heart after all..."and the girls awed as he speak. Lanya smiled confidently at her handiwork and left without anyone noticing, but she heard a phrase that caught her interest, "Well, Lilith has already taken care of her, she's dead and will never come back, give up Hawk." Ambrosia proudly stated and Lanya just runs off with a smirk. 'Or is she?' She thought to herself.

Hawk's POV

Yesterday was... extreme. I can't believe how much Lanya knows about Rose and us with only two weeks ago she knows nothing, but it all became clear when... she came. I looked at myself in front of my mirror and gave a sad smiled knowing that I made the right decision for it.

When I arrive school, I saw the gang hanging near the fountain which of course I walk over and greeted them, they found it amusing because I seemed to revert back to normal. Then a certain someone just has to ruin the peaceful atmosphere, and that's none other than Ambrosia SleepingBeauty. She then start the rage which I found quite entertaining to watch, I should have found out earlier because it was really funny. Then, I spot a figure walking casually towards us as I recall once again, the memory from yesterday.

I start sweat dropping as Lanya said her phrase 'think before you speak', being in constant pressure is not my liking and definitely nerve wracking. I start to speak, "Ambrosia..." time seemed to stop when I said it because everyone stood solidly watching me and I began to sweat more. "We are breaking up" I said with confidence but inside I'm dead, I was so scared saying those words because Ambrosia would most likely kill me if I do so. Ambrosia start to bat her eyelash and look at me as if begging me to let her stay. "No Ambrosia, enough is enough, we're done. Rose never left my heart after all..." I said without thinking which this time might be good though because Ambrosia might finally give up her intentions.

"Well, Lilith has already taken care of her, she's dead and will never come back, give up Hawk." Those words made me boil as I take out my wand and said emotionlessly... "Snow Magic."

The bell rang, telling us to go to class which made me finally realise... my True Happiness. Being with my friends and waiting for her... to return.


Sorry for the confusing time skips... basically, the story starts at present time, later on it time skips to two days ago. Then it goes to three days later, which is the present's one day after... if that makes anything clearer...

Anyways, I'm back from hell (school) though term break hasn't start yet... I'll do my best to upload more but just so you know, I'm gonna start working on new stories. I know I did two before and I deleted it after putting it on hold, but since this story is gonna end in about ten or bit more chapters, I'm gonna start planning. And I've decided on which I'm doing... I'm gonna reveal it maybe six or seven chapters later, when this story is near ending.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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