Peace Before the Storm

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Disclaimer(?): The story will start processing quicker than before.


"Hey, don't you think Taima Tinkerbell is kinda quiet lately? She usually has all the gossips about Lilith..." Odette asked her fellow friends.

"Yea I know... should we ask-" Pinocchia got interrupted by Taima who came rushing in holding a piece of paper.

"Creatures! Look! I found a message from Lilith lying in front of the gateway to Earth!" Taima was one of the few students who lived on Earth.

"What are you waiting for? Read it!" Violet rushed.

"It says:

To my biggest fan Taima. I know you've been following me around for quite a while. Now, I award you with a piece of information. Run, your time is running up. By then, even your precious little Rose Cinderella can't save you-"

The few of them gasped as Taima read it. It was unbelievable. Anyone who has been attending Regal Academy should've known Rose Cinderella was long gone, but Lilith. The one who killed, at least that was what they believed, said Rose Cinderella was alive.

Across the hallway, Hawk caught everything they've said, the thought of Rose still being alive got him rejoiced. He bolted towards them.

"Can I read it?" he asked, holding his hands up nervously.

Taima lifted the note up for Hawk, he snatched it away quickly and started to finish the read.

"Bail, run as far as you can. Share the news, make them fear. All shall end by the next full moon. ~Lilith"

Nothing was heard, it was a silence that no one can bare. Even students from other classes stood at the middle of the hallway, they knew of Rose. She was their hero after all.

"The next full moon..." Hawk wondered for a while, "we won't have enough time! It's this Friday!" Hawk exclaimed. It was as if he talked to himself, no voice can be heard, dead silence.

Slowly, murmurs can be heard through the corridor. The professors came out from their office as they heard faint exclaims from Hawk. "What is happening?" Professor SnowWhite asked her grandson, "I thought I've mannered you not to shout at school."

"Granny! Read this letter, it's from Lilith." he handed her the note, while looked at Taima for approval, she nodded and SnowWhite snatched it away. Just like her grandson.

Cinderella walked out from an other room, came out with a frown. "I heard." she said, "I've got a letter from her too. From her shadow minions." she walk towards them. "They're coming."

SnowWhite looked in disbelief, "but how? That's impossible! What about the last magic fro-" Cinderella hushed her quickly.

"Children, all shall be fine. We as professors will do everything in our power to stop her, and so shall our heroes." Cinderella looked at Hawk, he nodded in return.

"Even so, I would like all of you to start focusing in class, I will assign Professor Wolfram to teach you all spells that can protect yourselves in critical conditions. Study well. Hawk, calll your friends and meet me at my office in ten minutes." she said and left the hallway, leaving SnowWhite confused.

Hawk left without saying a word, he knew this would be a critical condition. He has to hurry.

"Astoria! Travis! Joy! Ling Ling!" Hawk ran as quickly as he could to his friends. "Headmistress Cinderella needs us, it's about Lilith. She's coming."

The heroes looked stunned for a few seconds, but knew they should get going if they want an explaination. "let's go" said Joy.

They walked quickly to Cinderella's office. Ling Ling knocked on the door and waited for response.

"Come in" she replied. The door creaked open and the gang walked in, panting heavily.

"Headmistress, what was it that you want to see us so urgently?" Astoria asked Cinderella who looked out the window anxiously.

"I believe the spell is wearing off... Lilith knew about this. That is why she plans to attack on the coming full moon." she said plainly.

"I'm confused, what kind of spell are you talking about?" Joy asked as the others nodded.

Cinderella turned around to face them, she took a seat and instructed them to do so.

"I'm not quite sure, but I believe it might be Rose. She... is alive." she hushed them before they can ask anything, "let me finish.

Three years ago, when Rose first landed in Fairytale Land, I gave her the Cinderella Spell Book. It is a book contained with all known magic from ancient times of the Cinderella family. Back then, the Fairytale Land was chaotic, the only spell that protected it was a spell casted by my ancestor. This spell, it enables the user to create a barrier, it locks out all dark magic. When Rose first received this book, she was mesmerised by the contents. She read it in a single night without stopping, but she burned the book. It was as if she foresaw the events that happened later that night, because that was when Lilith was born. With a book with ancient magic, without a question Lilith would want it. We as Cinderella's can connect to our spells, when one was activated we can sense it. Our school, only not conquered by Lilith was because of this barrier spell, and I can feel it. No doubt it was Rose who made this barrier since no one else can except for a Cinderella, and Lilith has never seen the book. There was a chance that Lilith can read what was in Rose's mind but if she had known, she would've taken out the barrier years ago. This spell works uniquely, it only applies when the user was in a conscious state. If they lose conscious due to magic, the spell will wear off (If it was only a nap nothing will happen). I had been feeling the effect of the barrier spell becoming weaker for the past few days. And that have only one meaning... Rose is currently under a spell. She is losing consciousness. And when one lose all consciousness, there is a high chance they might never wake up. (think of it this way, consciousness is like a soul. when you sleep your soul doesn't disappear, but when under a spell, it fades away because the body can't withstand it's energy and the soul will disappear. Of course, the soul won't just disappear instantly. It will reach the unconscious state, then the soul will start losing the will to fight. The last state is the core, the control centre of your brain. The brain will slowly switch off and will lose all fighting spirit in you, that way the person won't be able to wake up unless the spell is undone) By then, not only will Lilith acheive whatever she wants, Rose will never wake up again. We need to find Rose, and quick. Her corps is somewhere nearby us, and I can feel it."


Aaand Imma just round it up there. Writing Cinderella's speech was exhausting, you gotta think of random doesn't-make-sense stuff... If you haven't figure out by now, bold texts are my notes in case you don't understand but ask if you still don't. Ok, imma take a rest now, bye!

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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