Virtual Reality

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Love was what I've ever wanted. I knew I was naive to think that I would be loved by everyone, and it was then I've learnt my lesson: no one truly love you for who you are. This has been the case for as long as I could remember.

When I was young, I was friends with everyone, or so I thought. Cynthia Fredrickson, she was my best friend, but she betrayed me. Or... maybe because I wasn't good enough for anyone. Cynthia was the prettiest girl in our year, she was talented and beautiful. Basically everyone bow down to her, boys fell in love and girls envy her. She was everything anyone wanted. How lucky I was when she befriended me, I was genuinely happy. We became friends for a few months.

At times I thought to myself, what did I do to deserve this happiness?

I now know the answer. Nothing, I did nothing, that was why everything was fake, lies. With one single command, everyone started hating me. I asked Cynthia, what did she hate about me?

She answered me with a hateful tone, "people don't need reasons to be hated, I just hate you."

I knew I was naive, but I didn't know I was naive to the part where I thought I could please the high tier people. I was naive.

"If you really want a reason, I can give you some. You are loud, you are crazy, you are ugly, you are dumb, you are pitiful but most importantly, you are happy. You people have no idea how hard it is for people such as I, am. You live peacefully and loved by everyone, what about me? Have you ever thought of people that suffers because of happiness?  You truly are naive, to the point where I cannot stand going near you ever again. You better get out of my sight before I do something worse to you." That was what she said.

Starting from that day, everyone abused me. The Cynthia fanclub bullied me everyday, they kicked me and punched me. Blood dripped from my face. I told the teacher about it, but all they did was felt pity towards me. They said they can't do anything or the school's sponsor, which was Cynthia's mother won't be sponsoring the school anymore. I never got the nerve to tell my parents. I don't want them to worry even though I was covered with bruises every single day.

Nothing turned out my way, I was sad and depressed.

That was when I found a starnge book in my parent's room. It belonged to my mum. I flipped to a page where it titled 'Virtual Reality', and started to read it out loud.

I was standing in front of the school all of a sudden. Cynthia became very nice to me like nothing happened, I was confused.

I looked at the book again, turned to the description page.

'Virtual Reality is a spell that unables the user to create their own imaginary world, anything is possible in that world. But the more you stay in it, the more the user is attached to the world, the more the soul will be trapped inside. The user must never stay too long in their fantasy.'

That was also where it has written the way out of this universe. From that day on, the virtual world has become my hiding place, escaping all sorts of discomfort. I ignored the warnings of the book and lived there for more than a week.

My mum, unaware of my condition came to my room and checked on me. She realised I wasn't waking up, and held a book that belonged to her. She panicked, she didn't know what to do.

She flipped to the page where I last opened, the Virtual Reality. "How long was she in there?!" she exclaimed, instantly got a key out from her pocket and left the house.

My mum returned few hours later with a old lady that looked like Cinderella. The lady came towards me and chanted,

"O ancient princess of fairytale, hear my prayer. The dark fantasies that lurked in this child's body, shall it begone."

That's when my new life started. My mum told me I was in a coma, and was asleep for ten days. Deep down I knew it was not true, but every time I tried to think of it my head would throb. It pounded so much that I didn't even care about it anymore. I didn't go to school either since I was busy packing up.

Few weeks after that we moved. I started a new school and had new friends.

Every time I met my friends I would be cautious, I don't even know why.

And that then I don't even care anymore. People liked my smile, so I smiled. People liked my cheeriness. So I jump around. People liked my silliness. So I act silly.

Everything I did was for the people around me, so why do I feel hurt? All I need was people right? What I care doesn't matter, as long as people care then I'll be fine.

I didn't even know when that came to mind, but that was what I believed. Thus, stuff happened for the past years.

Two years ago, I met a girl name Cynthia. Everytime I looked at her, it made my head spin. It was as if I've known her for life, but instead of rejoice, I was scared.

But I couldn't be scared. People expected me to save Faiytale Land. So I saved Fairytale Land.

But before I succeed, she made me my clone. My evil behalf, contained all my evil desires. People expected me to save them again, so I put up a barrier spell.

I did everything everyone expected me to, so why did I end up here?

I can't feel anything here, as if my whole body went numb. As if I'm just a wandering soul, no use to the society.

This place brings me a nostalgic feeling. Like I've been here before.

Where... am I?

I opened my eyes and adjusted my view. I sat up.


"This is my Virtual World, my Virtual Reality."


I'm actually pretty proud of this chapter. The words with Italics are Rose storytelling her past. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I do.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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