Cinderella {Part 1}

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"This girl really know no limit does she?" Girls are gossiping around the classroom as Hawk is gawking at Katrina as she didn't even care about him. "Hey, I know I am beautiful but you don't need to stare at me for the whole day." Katrina said wiggling her eyebrows. "Enough is enough! Snow Magic!"

The magic hit the target, or so they think. It happened so quickly that not even the professor get to stop him. Smoke cleared and reveals a unharmed person sitting casually as if nothing has happened. "You-! How did you-!" Hawk was immediately cut off by the girl as she hold a card firmly in her hands. "You mean this? Oh it's nothing, just a little toy that can absorb magic, that's all. I can't believe the 'Hero' of Fairytale Land is actually this weak."

"Oh you have no idea-" Once again he was cut off by Katrina. "And who's that beside you? I thought the love of your life is Rose Cinderella, " she emphasises Rose's name that sent chills to Hawk's spine. Then continued, "Or... maybe all those lovey dovey stuff are just... fake? Oh what a shame, I really pity that girl, she's a real champion. Without her, you'd be dead meat by now." She smirks to herself, proud of what she just said.

"Hawk, Katrina, headmaster's room NOW! Students, please go back to your work." Professor finally speak up. Katrina turned back to her original 'cold' self as she walk out of the room. As for Hawk, he is still shaking to the fear and that this girl here is terribly crazy. He don't want to lose their little debate but she's right. How could he do that to Rose when she's the one who saved Fairytale Land? He shouldn't be the one to get the 'Hero' title. "We're here." Said a cold and sharp voice, further sending chills to Hawk and bringing him out of his thoughts. Katrina knocks on the door, few seconds later Headmistress Cinderella responded with a "come in".

"What happened you two? Katrina, it's only your first day, how did you already end up meeting me in my office?" Hawk stayed silent as Katrina casually sat down on a seat like this is her castle, she put her leg on Cinderella's table. "It's not really hard to be honest, you just go in a classroom talk back to a student that thinks he protected the whole land and is soooo awesome just because he have girls surrounding him when he actually have a girlfriend while absorbing an ice magic probably because he knows he can't win against me then told him he doesn't deserve the title of hero since he actually did nothing except for praying." She gasps for air as she said it without stopping once. I can actually say that, try it and see if you can lol.

"Hawk, can you spare us a minute or two? Hawk?" Hawk didn't reply to Cinderella, he is so deep in his thoughts. "Hey apple head, the headmistress Is asking you to leave." Hawk finally came back to his senses and slams the door. "Don't call me apple head." He murmured as he stomp out.

"He's out, so..." she said as Cinderella looks at her, "what are you planning to do, Rose." She was replied by a laugh, "awww don't be like that Kat, and it's rude to call someone 'apple head'."


Heyyy everyone! This is short I know but I did that on purpose because if I don't, I can't leave a cliffhanger for you guys, and I definitely won't post another part tomorrow evening. But just so you know, I'm at Australia so the time is different. You might read the two parts in the same day lol.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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