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"That's impossible!"

"How can she use so many spells?"

"I hope I'm not performing after her..."

"That's the new girl right? Maybe she hacked something?"

"Hey... maybe her real magic is absorption..."

The sound of mutters brought her peace, the sound of sobs relieved her, the sound of frustration made her proud. You may ask, how could a person as sweet as Rose Cinderella become someone so cruel? Well, people changed, but...

After an hour of 'boring' performances, school dismissed early in order for students to rest.

"Hey uh Katrina!" Lanya yelled across the field to the returning student.

"Oh, hi. You must be Lanya, out of everyone from our class, you're probably the best... after me of course." Katrina proudly pointed to herself.

"Uh... thanks... I guess. Look, I know you promised professor SnowWhite that you'd get the highest mark in the class for magic exam, but you totally crushed Astoria. I don't know where you got all that power, and I have a feeling that I wouldn't want to know, but can't you just... hold back a bit...?" Lanya guiltily looked at Katrina, she returned her with a bitter smile.

"If I hold back then I'd be considered powerless... and that's the last thing I want." she then muttered under her breath, "it'd be a tragedy if they came for the gang..."

"What was that?" Lanya asked curiously.

Katrina turned to look at her, "listen, there are something that is better off stayed hidden. You won't gain any profit from knowing anything anyways, so why not just... leave me be?" her smile, hid all her feelings away, sealed everything. But this time, her smile, brings sorrow to every living creature that looks at it. So bitter that it could make your heart ache like hell, and Lanya was effected too.

Katrina took this chance to walk away, she knew she nearly gave herself away to a complete stranger, but somehow, she found comfort talking to someone again.

It was until that day she understood the value of emotions. How the world turned dark almost instantly the second she admitted the truth, as if the whole world turned against her.

Into the unknown, a castle sat there alone. Peacefully, yet lonely. All souls disappeared, the air froze. Time passed slowly. Everything was a blur; everything is depressed; everything is dark. Loneliness, that was what she felt; sorrow; that was what she knew; darkness, that was what she saw.

She pushed the door open into the castle.

As night falls, everything became darker. Wolves howled, cricket chirped, winds sang, but it was empty. Everything turned empty. Everything was turned upside down.

The coloured night sky turned into a sheet of black coal. It was a different kind of darkness, it was the kind that seemed want to desperately grasp on the stars, to hold the light within.

She was alone.

Before she knew, she blacked out. An electrical sensation triggered her as everything started to fall apart, all pieces she to stitched together; all dams she to repaired; all lost puzzles she connected. Everything broke, the shards of glasses tingled to ground.

How she felt like she doesn't belong anywhere in this universe anymore. The lingered feeling of loneliness.


"Who are  you?" asked Rose as she looked around and saw her own body.

'You couldn't have possibly forgotten me... well I mean you just did but- I'm... you.'

She saw herself walking towards her with chains of  blue and red clamed to her body. She wore pink themed clothes with a cloak on top, smiled sadly.

'Don't you think something happened to you? That you've... changed?'

"Whether I've changed or not is none of your concern, why are there two me's anyway?" She mumbled the last part.

'... Rose, your name is Rose, not anyone else. Don't be someone who is not you.'

"Whoever I am is none of your business either, why don't you just-"

'Fear, you are vulnerable, you are scared, you are depressed. Just walk to the light, you might see for yourself true happiness.'

By that time, sounds of silent sobs can be heard if you are just... quiet enough, it was near inaudible. You could tell she was trying hard to hold back, but it was as if the dam inside her broke. Loneliness, hatred, anger, frustration, scared... but most importantly, love. Different kinds of feelings flooded into her .

"I'm willing to risk everything to save them, they are after all... my friends."

'Even if it means you'll lose yours?'

She looked at herself as uncontrollable tears dropped to the void of absolute nothingness.



Hey! I'm back with this chapter. I was really proud of this chapter because I improved a lot on my writing skills! The reason behind this was all thanks to my English assignment, we needed to write a creative journal about some characters I created.

Also, I've used blue and red colour for the chains for a specific reason. Red, the colour for love; black, the colour for hatred. The inner Rose was chained by her conflicted emotions, she wanted to save her loved ones but can't because she hates Lilith and she knew no one near her can be save when her shadow still exists. She can only protect them in secret or they'll be in danger.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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