Shall it End

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-Fairytale Land, Hawk POV-

"Everyone, please go home right after school. No one should stay here, It will get dangerous once it gets dark." headmistress announced it to the school.

It's finally time... we... we will do our best to defeat Lilith in all possible ways. We won't let her win, no matter what. That's why, come back to us Rose, come back to me. I need you.

The day felt so short, soon it reached sunset.

We readied our wands and positioned ourselves on our dragon, frightened. I wasn't ready, none of us were. But knowing Rose, she'd bravely put up to all of this.

She was the bravest girl I knew, the kind of warrior, the kind of hero I want to be. For once, I just want to protect her.

She was strong, she wouldn't need me. So I was scared that one day... she might leave me alone. I'd always try protect her, but every time she protected me in return. I felt ashamed. That was why, I will not back out this time. I will do everything in my power to save Fairytale Land, to save our home.

Black smoke covered the entire Regal Academy, and we knew. She's here.

"Everyone! Get ready!" Astoria shouted across the sky, we got our fairytale weapons.

Ling Ling started shooting arrows to sky, the full moon helped it release its ultimate potential, along with Ling Ling's will power.

Travis created a huge tornado in hope to blow to smokes away. It kind of worked, but they recovered quick.

Astoria trained using her bangles for the past week, the results were significant. She could manipulate fire without throwing her bangles, and it was a huge help.

Joy... summoned a lot of bugs that helped to distract out opponent.

I used my shield to block out majority of their magic, but it was too strong. I had a hard time flying around as the attacks came in every directions. I mainly blocked out the ones for Ling Ling, she was our main offence, it would be better to save her. Of course, I'd still block out the magic for others, it'd just be hard.

Our professors stayed on the ground to guard us in case anything happened.

Everything was working out very fine... until I got blasted at my back... when I wasn't at full concentration.

"ARGH" I bit down my pain. I couldn't believe the moment I let my guard down for a bit I got struck by magic.

I started falling, my dragon couldn't come in time. fortunately for me, Magister Rapunzel caught me with her Tower Magic.

The magic that struck me was a poisonous one. I felt like dying, but I couldn't. I'm needed to save Fairytale Land.

'You're doing a great job Hawk. Just please hang on a bit longer, brewing an antidote takes time...'

That was when I realised the voice belonged to my sister, Fala.

-Ten years ago (Six years old Hawk)-

"Hawk... Hawk?" Fala stared at Hawk as he look out to the distance.

"Fala... what will happen? I don't want to lose them too..." Hawk said as tears dripped from his eyes.

"... Hawk... you know crying won't help... please cheer up. Stay strong..." Fala attempted to cheer him up but he just cried more.

Fala was Hawk's only companion that time, he lost everyone from a murder. The murderer had murdered all of Hawk's friends by poisoning them, the purpose of that was unknown because the moment his friends were dead the moment the murderer disappeared. No matter how hard people tried to find him there was no news.

"Hawk, I don't know if this might be useful but... if one day you are poisoned like your friends, please remember what I teach you. I've read from a potion textbook, if you got poisoned and there is no antidote... there is a breathing technique that slows down the poison circulation around your body."


Hawk panted heavily, veins started to pop out from his head. The poison was getting to him.

Try to slow down your breath like Fala taught you, it might work...

The thought raced through my mind, I quickly adjusted my breathing pattern. It was tough, I couldn't feel myself. I wanted to breathe normally, but I want to live, I had no choice.

"The antidote is nearly ready Hawk, good job slowing down your breathing." granny said, she was very worried. Despite always being so strict, I knew she loved me very much.

For a few minutes, I've been lying on a spot. I'm scared, Rose...

'Hawk, wait for me okay? I promise I'll come to you.'

I heard Rose's voice, maybe it was my imagination, but right now I don't want to think about it. Living was my top priority.

Soon the antidote was ready, headmistress injected the substance into me and I felt myself getting better. I breathed normally again.

"Fala... Fala saved me..." I told the professors, "I felt like dying, then I flashed back to a conversation with Fala... she saved me."

The professors were relieved I lived, and I am truly grateful to them.

Magister Rapunzel said proudly, probably from one of her books again......

"Some has said the reason you had flashback before you die was because you were trying hard to live. Your brain goes through all information in the past in hope to search for a way to survive."


It's good to end at the middle of a conversation.

I blessed you with two parts.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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