Shall it Start

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A new light dawned. Normally that has no special meaning to it, but today... this light... might be the last light anyone will see. The light of the dark will rise, and everyone will perish in her hands, Lilith.

-Virtual World-

I don't have enough time... when the night comes, shadows will lurk. And soon... the whole Fairytale Land will-


Rose couldn't hold in, she could feel it. She was dying. Blood dripped out her mouth, her weak limbs supported by the floor. She could no longer feel anything other than the harsh, cold reality.

I need to save them... I have to! The world needs me, if I don't escape here I might die!

She can feel it already. The spirit of her body is fading away, if she don't escape she might dissolve anytime now, like Oceania.

Please ancient princess of fairytale, lead my way. Hear my prayer and light my path.

Rose shut her eyes tight.

-Fairytale Land, Hawk POV-

It's doomed, we're doomed. Nothing we do will ever help. The sun, our last ray of hope. If only time can stop...

During all these times, we've been trying to find Rose's corpse. And we did, in the Abandoned Library. Her soulless body, lying defencelessly inside the place where all tragedy started.

For safety reasons, her body was kept inside the Cinderella Castle. I wish I could see her right now though, I've been missing her for two years. This time... she might actually die. The barrier spell headmistress talked about has nearly vanish, her soul became fragile. Headmistress has estimated the barrier will completely disappear tonight, when Lilith attack.

That was why we believed, Lilith was the one who put Rose to the death spell, the spell to end Rose's reign.

I clenched my fist. I couldn't afford to lose her, but I had no choice but to accept reality. I couldn't see Rose. Besides, Rose has been by my side this whole time and I didn't even know. How am I supposed to help her when... I couldn't even recognise the girl of my dreams?

I started to lose hope, and that was when a voice called.

'The greatest gift you can give someone isn't a grand gesture, but just showing them that you care... have faith in her. The person you loved for so long, the person you couldn't set aside.'

Realisation hit me, I clenched my fist harder.

No matter what happens, I will always believe in you Rose. Your choice or your sacrifice, I will always be by your side. Don't give up, wherever you are.

Hawk went to his friends and shared the news, together they look at the sky.

No matter where you are, please look up to the sky, as the universe is connected, our hearts are connected. You are always with us.

And with that they went to class, to prepare their night.

-Virtual World-

Hours has passed, she knew it. No one would help someone like her, her sacrifice would mean nothing anyways.

Dawn has finally arrive. She felt it, her body turned feather light. She opened her eyes, exposing it to the glowing yellow light that covered her body.


Shall it Start?

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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