He's Gone

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It is dark. Everything is dark. Until a light vibrates, creating balance. A lone soul stood at the middle.

"My child." A voice came from behind, startling the young adult. She look around, trying the find any hint of her current location. "Who are you? And where am I?" The voice chuckled, "the future." The voice replied bluntly. "That doesn't explain anything..." she said. "I am merely doing what I was told to do, young Lanya." The voice replied, "she'll be revealing to you shortly."

Then, a person came walking out of the shadows,
Rose Cinderella.

Plastering a smile on her face, she stand in front of Lanya. "Hello Lanya" She said, bringing Lanya back from her thoughts. "Uh, hi Rose, what are you doing here?" Then Rose's expression turned serious, ice cold. "Lilith" She said, sending chills to Lanya's back with that emotionless tone, "she's back, I stopped her connection with you." She continued. Lanya nodded, meaning She understand what Rose was saying, "I am here to teach you magic and spells, but you must never use it in a wrong way. Whatever you do, don't listen to Lilith, understand?" Lanya nods, and it starts.

For a while, Rose has been teaching Lanya magic nonstop. She become a professional magic user just in one night. "It's time you go back to the outside world, you're going to be late for school." Rose said, earning another nod from Lanya.


It has been a week since Lanya started training with Rose in her dreams... or is it? Anyway, Lanya has gained popularity right away after her outstanding performance in their spell/ magic class. Creatures worships her, but Hawk and the others still doesn't consider her as their own gang despite being in the same group.

Hawk has again starting to date Ambrosia in the meantime. Though he only date Ambrosia to get his mind off Rose, that's what the gang  says at least. Currently, Hawk and Ambrosia are having... their little make out section, which is gross. Of course, Hawk refuses at first, but he knows that Rose doesn't want to see him upset forever, it has been two years since he has been diagnosed with depression. At the outside he seemed to already given up on Rose, but deep inside, he loves her so much that it hurts(af).

"Why do we have to spy on them?" Whisper a voice, belonging to Travis. "Are you dumb?! Don't you see that Hawk is happy now? He finally got over his two years depression. Though I doubt he can ever get over Rose, she's his first love after all." Astoria replied with a confident smile while the others look at her dumbfounded. "Whattheactualheck!? YOU'RE the one that's dumb! Hawk's first love is Ambrosia, don't you remember?!" Travis said a lot louder than before, Hawk and Ambrosia break their make out.

"U-um..." they all stuttered, "what the hell are you guys doing here?" Asked a angered Ambrosia SleepingBeauty, Hawk tried to sooth her. "Um.. We were just seeing if you are really the girl for Hawk..." Joy blurted out while the others mentally facepalmed themselves, "Oh, so you are all doubting me? hAwKIe..." Ambrosia whined like a baby, "why did you even befriend them?! They  don't deserve your friendship Hawk, you can be so much better without them." She suddenly snapped. Before Hawk can speak, she continued, "IF you want us to stay together and BE together forever..." she said in a seductive tone while giving him a puppy doll eye, "then how about you unfriend those losers? They aren't needed in your life anyways, you always have me." She said in an awfully sweet smile, but also kind of evil and wicked.

To the gang's surprise, Hawk actually agreed,
"Of course, Ambrosia, my love. I'd do anything for you." He smile back at her, gaining dirty looks from the gang. "Now can't you hear what my girl said? GET LOST! RIGHT NOW!" He snap at them, who look at him terrified. First time has he ever been shown anger to them. They slowly and carefully back off from the couple as the two start to make out again.

"Anyone think getting those two together again is a bad idea?" Ling Ling asked, the others only nod in agreement. "Whatcha doing?" A familiar voice asked, they turn around revealing Lanya, the mysterious magic user that can use magic without a wand just like Rose. Apparently she's not alone, she's very popular and have already gained quite the fandom. The gang look at her then look at each other, they nod in agreement as if they communicated telepathically. "Lanya, we need to talk." Astoria says as Joy drags Lanya with her and Travis holding off the fans. "Um guys?" She asked

They walk into the abandon library that hides many memories for them, "oh wow, it's great to experience this library by myself. No wonder it holds so much memories to you guys..." she mumbled to herself and only herself, but the gang can't help but to notice what she said and look at her. "How did you know about this place? Not many people knows." Ling Ling asked suspiciously. Lanya seemed nervous as she tried to think of a way to evade this topic, "um... uh oh! Why exactly did you guys bring me here?" She asked. The gang look at each other again, with Astoria gaining approval from everyone, she said, "you see, just before you approach us..." she took a deep breath and was about to continue, Lanya was just too quick. "Hawk unfriend you for the sake of his girlfriend." She finished and look at them seeing whether or not she's wrong, but with their faces she can confirm that she was right. They turned pale, "h-how did you know?" Ling Ling ask quietly as Travis walks in, "Ling Ling! You alright? You're pale! Ok, what did you do this time Lanya?" He asked

"No she just somehow knows that Hawk went after Ambrosia instead of us, that's all." Ling Ling reassured Travis. "You... know..." he said and Lanya nodded. "So... why am I here?"


People! Take notice of paragraph six, damn I gave quite a big hint there. Fantasies all you want. Anyway, I'm finally free from exams! Yay me ;)

Oh! Don't worry about Ambrosia and Hawk, they won't stand long, I swear to god just writing them... *cough* make out *cough* make me wanna puke. Maybe for one more chapter and it will be their down fall.

I'm gonna try publish a bit more often, so bye for now!

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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