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-Hawk's POV-

My heart was racing. What's the meaning of this? Rose lived... Rose lived!

She's safe...

-Third Person-

Within second, Rose disappeared without a trace and reappeared with Travis, Joy and Ling Ling safely beside her.

"Oh? Did you not notice I've put a spell on them?" she asked amusingly.

"Oh? Did you not notice I've countered your spell?" Rose mocked.

"You sure know how to get on my nerves Cinderella." Lilith's patience is running out.

Rose went silent, Lilith took it as her win.

"So you finally decided to give in?" Lilith smirked.

"You know Lilith... no one plans a murder out loud." Rose grinned with a murderous gawk. Then her eyes narrowed into a emotionless glance,

"You will not fulfil whatever you are wishing for as long as I exist. I, Rose Cinderella vow to protect this land with all of my power. But that's not all, my friends will stand along me until you vanish." Rose announced to everyone as she point her wand towards her shadow. 

"HA! You will never beat me! I am evil itself, the villains helps me gain power as they perform their evil desires. You will never, and I mean NEVER win against me."

As they launch different kind of magics, the gang look at them full of worry, especially Hawk. The love of his life was by his side all along, battling the dark without him noticing. He questions himself, 'Am I still a man?' Creatures across Fairytale Land has came to see this epic battle between the future princess of fairytale and the queen of the dark force.

"No matter what you do, I will be one step ahead. I will always be in front and you will forever chase after me because, you are nothing but a mere shadow. The purpose of a shadow is to follow your main body. I was weak, I was blind, but no more of that. I came back with control over my power, witness my weak but powerful magic." Rose's eyes glow white signalling her iconic move. "Fairytale Magic!"

"O Golden Dragon, ruler of all. I request your assistance. Shatter the wall of terror and unleash that power within you. Bring peace to the pupils of your land."

Her eyes then glow all white as magic across the land is being absorbed to her very own wand. 

"What is happening?"

"Such power!"

"I never thought the legend is true!"

"Amazing... look at the colours flying around us..."

People around are mesmerised by the beauty of this spell. 

"O Evil Spirit, Vattene!"

It was like the ground is cracking open for the dragon, everyone scattered to find a shelter. Then, a deafening roar approached as a golden dragon shot up to the sky, combining elements of water, fire, wind and earth. It creates a destruction all around. It roars for the second time, marking his place as the ruler of all.

"Ha... Hahahaha... HAHAHHAHA! You think that thing can stop me?! I'll prove you wrong! Blood Magic!" The shadow smiled wickedly. 

Rose could only look what was in front of her, the only time she had ever heard of blood magic was from the Cinderella Family Book.

How did she know about this magic? This is a technique even more powerful than dark magic itself... my evil ancestor created this spell to destroy fairytale land...

The magic flew across the sky, it was about to hit its mark when...

"Lanya!" Rose immidiately rushed to her. "Lanya! What do you think you were doing? You knew very well that blood magic is powerful... You should've just let me take the hit!"

Too much people has left her, she couldn't take it anymore. She witnessed her granny got taken out by Lilith while she did nothing to protect them, her parents left her in a car accident during the two years... she couldn't take it when Lanya, someone whom she had been with since young is leaving her.

-Ten Years Ago-

"What are you doing here crying?" a voice rang through her ears. 

Rose was crying on the day of her betrayal, she still couldn't believe Cynthia would do such cruel things to her.

"My friends... betrayed me..." she sobbed, tears couldn't stop dropping.

The girl hugged her, "don't worry, at times like these, my mum would always tell me to cry it all out... my name is Lanya by the way, what's yours?" 

Rose wiped away her tears and looked at her, "Rose..."

Lanya would company her at her down times as will she play with her, but every time she does so Rose would be afraid of losing her too.

Then one day, Rose decided to go on a journey to the Virtual World.

She didn't return for ten days, and when she did, she couldn't remember anything.

Not even her friend, Lanya.

And with that, they didn't get in touch for a long time until Lanya showed up at Fairytale Land. Rose has remembered fragments of their play times, so she approached Lanya and they became close again.


Why does everything I grasp onto fades away eventually? I don't want to lose anyone anymore...!

"Rose, listen to me. Don't get all psycho, stay calm. Only when your mind is calm will you be able to control your powers, you had been training for this day haven't you? Training hard to defeat Lilith."

Rose trembled, "please don't leave me... everyone has already left me, not you too..." she was scared, she felt like the world was against her.

"Be brave Rose, thank you." Lanya smiled peacefully.

Rose couldn't keep it in, she knew this moment she has to end her reign. I'll end you once and for all.

"O ancient princess of fairytale, lend me your power and combine it with the mighty one."

A blast of energy dropped from the sky as the dragon flew quickly towards Lilith.

"AHAHAHAHAH- BWAHAHAHAHAHAH" Laugh the shadow as light consumed her. "I'll be back, after all, a shadow can never vanish."

Just that, Fairytale Land is once again saved by our favourite Cinderella.

-A Month Later-

"We are all here to celebrate the defeat of Lilith, who we are all feared of but one. She stood up for us all, so that is why, I held this ball today to thank our saviour, Rose Cinderella, or should I say, Princess Rose Cinderella."

Cheers erupted through the crowd as Rose walk on the stage for her speech. "If I were told when I was a kid that I'd save a land in the future, I would have not believed. But here I am standing proudly as the leader of you all. I can't express how happy I am this moment to stand on this stage. In this world, there are no such thing as peace nor are there only good people. To maintain a balance, this world must be black and white at the same time. You cannot live without black, nor can you live without white. That is why, this defeat is not the last, and I vow to protect those who are weak, and fight along those who are strong. Together we can create a better future." 

The crowd erupted into another cheer to their new leader's meaningful speech that gave all of them inspiration.


This is so cheesy.

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

Can't believe we're at the last chapter already...

Just kidding! 

Happy Christmas!

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