Spells and Magic

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Just before I start, I just wanna say that because the current Cinderella and Katrina aren't the actual Cinderella and Katrina, so I'm gonna use Italic. eg. Cinderella / Katrina.


Very soon, it is already Friday of the week, which means the topic test about spells. As Katrina said before, she is going to get the highest mark in class and that is what she is going to do. Author is just too lazy to write the boring stuff between the start of the week till now so...

"Attention students" Cinderella speaks formally after training with Katrina for a while. "You are now in a test environment, please stay quiet. The first part of this test is written test, part two will be a performing test. You will have to perform your magic to us professors, the judges.Those who doesn't participate will get 0 marks, highest is 30 and it will affect 50% of your total grade. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Headmistress Cinderella." Everyone in the hall said in unison. "It's not like we are taking our Term-End Test, it's so different from the tests we took the past years... just the test last week, we only made potions in the potion test but as far as I remember, no written test. I wonder what changed their mind?" Joy whispered to her group of friends, they all shrugged and turns their attention back to Cinderella.

"The professors will now hand out your test papers." She announced and the professors start walking around the hall. 'This should be easy, even though I have Lavender on my side, I won't need a answer sheet to answer all questions. It's simply too easy for me.' Katrina thought to herself as Professor Wolfram set down the test paper.

"You may begin, now. Test ends in 10 minutes, I'm sure it will be enough for a one sided test paper." Cinderella announce.


Part A - Spells

1) List the 5 major types of spells.

2) What is a Fast Forward?

3) Define Aura Manipulation in terms of spell abilities.

Part B - Magic

4) What are the seven magic used in the Great Fairytale Families?

5) Write down a magic and define the use.

6) What is the most powerful magic in Fairytale Land? Who used it?


-10 Minutes Later-

"Times up, pens down." Magister Rapunzel went to collect all papers.

'Piece of cake.' Katrina smiles in victory to herself.

"We will now begin the performing test, when I call you, please come up front." Magister Rapunzel said after Coach Beast collects all test papers. "Astoria Rapunzel, you are first." Everyone applauds to her while she walks confidently.

She starts, "Tower Magic." She does some fancy stuff, twirling around. Then some vines carries her around and explodes into particles for some reason, she lands on the floor as if nothing happened. Casting her magic again, made a bridge, walks over to the top of it, jumps down, end.

Everyone roars into cheers as she bows. Katrina smirks to herself. 'Not bad, but you have to try harder. Though, you've improved a lot since two years ago, I'm impressed.'

"Next up, Katrina Sparkle."

Katrina stands up and walks up to the front. "I'll show you what real magic looks like. Dark Magic." Students are starting to panic as they heard 'Dark Magic', that is the magic their ruler, Lilith uses, hearing that frightens them. But there are two sides of effect on this magic. For evil purposes, it can be deadly, but if used for others, it is a beautiful magic. The room becomes pitch black.

Then, "Light Magic." She chanted, blue particles float around the hall, lighting it up. Students and professors are dazzled by her magical abilities, and are assured she is no threat. "Crystal Magic." Once again, everyone is scared for a moment but Katrina used the magic to create beauty. The blue floating lights lands on the crystal that makes it shinier. All of a sudden, the magic was discarded, all attention went back to Katrina.

For her finale, "Fire Magic, then following up with Water Magic." Flames of ember and fluids of liquid flood out of both of her hands, aiming it to the ceiling. It clashes each other. Normally, fire would vanish against water, but with Katrina's magic, it became the most beautiful firework ever seen. Particles flows down, ending her performances perfectly.

'Everything is perfectly perfect, just according to my plan.' she once again smiles in victory as she knows she has already won by the reaction of the viewers, typically liking the face from Astoria, she knew she just crushed her perfect grades.

After all, everything has to be,



Warning! If you don't want to see me rambling about stuff then you can skip the followings, but it contains spoilers in between, stuff that might or might not happen.

Heya! Today is my last day of holidays and I really missed school. Staying at home was boring. I hope you like this chapter. As you all might have been guessing who Katrina could be and I'm sure I've gave a lot of hints... I even mentioned her real name but whatever. Yes, that is none other than Rose Cinderella. She has came back after two years of hiatus. These will be mentioned in the future chapters so as where the real Cinderella is.

I know Rose's characteristic have change so much since I started 'I'm Sorry...' and that will be revealed shortly why that has been happening. Hint: it happens between the two years she has gone. Make up as much stories as possible, tell me what you might suggest because I haven't think of a back story... ok, I've thought of one but I'm not sure whether I'll use it or nah. I still want to hear suggestions though. Ever since I started the fic I've been changing the plot constantly.

When I started this sequel, I wanted Lanya to date Hawk and Hawk will forget about Rose. Then later on, I wanted Lanya to be a guardian spirit(Those who read the chapter I've deleted will know, that was very confusing). Then, I made Lanya force Hawk to forget about Rose and I want it to stay this way but I got inspiration so I made Hawk unable to give up on Rose. And now I want Rose to come back as a whole new person even though I did say she would come back... but I meant as a SPIRIT not a HUMAN. So yea, things are constantly changing and I can't even keep up with myself, that's why I went on hiatus last month and has lost interest on this fic. But the 'inspiration' I mentioned earlier brought me back. Besides, I'm bored, got nothing better to do. I don't know what might happen in the future, so I want you guys to give me suggestions on what you want me to do because I'm open to ideas, I know some of you out there who creates a great plot so I'd love to hear.

Ok, now I am just rambling on some stuff and made myself even more confused (I know I'm still rambling). Earlier, I mentioned about Rose being a human, she have high level magic and can control one's life (her result of training). So she can control souls, she took Cinderella's soul away from her body and captures it, the soul can be returned whenever Rose is done playing student and teacher with Lavender. I believe I had revealed her at one of the ending chapters in 'I'm Sorry...', they are friends. Rose's actual body is also kept in somewhere safe, somewhere you will know in the future.

Sorry for rambling! That's it for now, though I know it must be annoying to go through all these text (It went from 850 words to 1500 words lol) but it will clear the misunderstandings... or you could have just ignored it... whatever I'm posting it anyways.

IN CASE YOU DIDN'T READ THOSE, I WANT TO TELL YOU THAT I AM OPEN FOR IDEAS. PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE IN THIS FIC. DETAILS IN PARAGRAPGH 4. (This must have caught your attention right? (For those who isn't bother to read my ranting).)

Remember! Live that fairytale in you!

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