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"Mama how are you-."

Laurelle sighs. "Come on Troye," She says. "You know how your father feels about you playing with common people."

Troye stood up and started to walk towards his mother. "Father is dea-."

"Coming Mama."

Troye turns around and is met with a younger version of himself. The young prince turned completely around and walked back over to the blanket. Next to Troye's younger self was a boy. He had dark chocolate curls and clear green eyes.


He watched whatever this was unfold. The younger version of Jacob seemed to be picking up wooden toys as young Troye folded up the blanket. The little prince tucked the blanket away before running over to his mom.

"Buh bye Jakey," Little Troye said waving his hand.

Little Jacob waved back before running out of the clearing. As he did A slightly older Troye and Jacob walked in. They were sixteen by the looks of it. Sixteen year old Jacob pulled out the blanket and set it on the ground. Although this time there were two swords tucked away next to it.

Troye watched himself interact with Jacob. It reminded him of when present Troye and Jacob were in this area together especially when they started to sword fight.

Current Troye smiled to himself as he watched Jacob come at sixteen year old Troye's legs, even back then he knew. He watched himself fall to the ground and watched as Jacob tried to help him up. But instead of helping him up sixteen year old Troye pulled him down on top of him. 

He watched as the younger duo looked at each other, it was as if they were stuck in time. He watched as the gap between them closed as their lips pressed together. The second the younger boys kissed the image faded from his sight and he was alone again. 

Troye turned around and saw his mother standing at the opening. Troye thought it was another vision again as he walked towards the women, his eyes sad and heavy. He reached out to his mother and to his surprise, she was solid. 

Troye looked at his hand gripped on his mothers forearm before looking at his mother. His mom looked back at him with a smile, her eyes brimming with tears. 

"You've grown so much Tok," She says. 

"Mama," Troye says. "But-but you-you're-."

She nods her head. "I know,"  She says. "And I'm sorry you've had to go through so much. You don't deserve any of this." 

"God I miss you so much." Troye said before wrapping his arms around his mother. 

Laurelle sniffed as she wrapped her arms around her son and rubbed soothing circles in his back. Troye basked in the feeling that is his mothers touch. 

"So much has happened," Troye said pulling away. 

"I know," She says. "I watch over you from time to time, and I have to say I'm disappointed in you. You've lost you're heart Tok... what happened to the little boy that would run around the castle."

"You left." Troye said. 

Laurelle frowned. "Honey," She said. "You can't stop living your life because I'm gone. I'm still with you even if I'm not physically here." 

"Did father make me forget Jacob?" Troye said out of no where. 

"I did everything I could to stop him," She said. "But you know of your fathers ways."

Troye's grip on his mother loosened, he was waking up. Laurelle realized this and tried to gather the rest of her thoughts. "Let him back in," She says. "Let Jacob back in... I know you're scared because it's against our ways but let him."

"Mama." Troye said. 

It looked like Laurelle was about to say something else but she faded from his sight...

"Troye!" Jacob said lightly shaking Troye who was asleep on the ground floor.

The nineteen year old prince quickly sat up and held onto the boy in front of him. His heart was pounding and he was breathing heavily. "My mother," He said. "She-she-." Troye looked up at Jacob who was already staring at him. 

"You were dreaming," Jacob said. "One of the ladies told me you were in town and I figured you'd be back here an-."

Troye grabbed Jacob's faces and pressed there lips together. In a split second Jacob placed his hands on the side of Troye's face kissing back. They stayed like that for a few more minutes before pulling away. 

Jacob looked at Troye with shock written all over his face. Troye simply looked at him with a smile on his face keeping his hand on Jacob's face. 

"I remember." Troye said. 

Jacob smiled. "You remember?"

Troye nodded his head with a smile and Jacob grabbed the side of the young princes face and kissed him again. When they pulled apart they kept their foreheads pressed together and just simply looked in each others eyes. 

"You don't know how much I've missed you," Jacob said. "Seeing you but not being able to be close to you like this... holding you." 

Troye didn't say anything but simply grinned back, although his grin quickly faded as he heard the bell from the castle ring. Troye backed away and let his head fall before looking in the direction of the sound. 

"Looks like that's my cue," Troye said with a sigh. "I knew it was only a matter of time before they realized I had been gone." 

Troye got up and dusted himself off and fixed his crown. He then turned around and held his hand out to Jacob to help him up. The common boy started to help dust off Troye and adjusted his crown and hair. Once he was done the two boys just looked at each other. 

"You know I can't always come out here," Troye said sadly. "With the coronation coming up and my uncle and Princess Alexandria I-."

Jacob put his hand on the side of Troye's face. "I know," He says. "Maybe one day we can fully be together, no secret meetings and stolen glances... just us."

"You could get yourself hanged for saying things like that you know?" Troye says.

Jacob shrugged. "A risk I'm willing to take... your highness." 

Troye kissed Jacob on the nose before smiling and leaving. Jacob watched as the young prince left and once he did he did a little jump in the air. 


mental health has been shit lately so sorry about the lack of updates, i'm feeling better now so i'll try and keep the updates going (: 

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