Chapter 01

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Two years later

L I A M • B A X T E R

"So, I heard from Simon who he heard from Carter who she heard from Melissa that Blythe Slater is coming back to Grove Academy." I zoned out of the conversation long ago when my interest is suddenly now peaked.

"W-who's Blythe Slater?" Ariana looks at me shocked.

"You mean to tell me, that no one has filled you in on about Blythe Slater?" I shake my head no and she looked like she was about to faint. Dramatic much? Soon her eyes are diverted elsewhere and I follow her line of vision.

The silence resonates around the hallway as a tall, slim figure walks through the door. Her auburn hair flows just above her shoulders as she sultrily walks towards a locker swaying her hips causing all the guys to wolf whistle. I can clearly see that this isn't purposeful but how she normally walks. I could tell because of her discomfort from all the attention that is on her. My thoughts are interrupted by an annoyingly high pitched voice in my ear.

"That's Blythe Slater" Well... she's stunning I must say. Ariana's voice drips with venom on saying her name. Why you ask, I have no idea myself.

"I'm getting the impression that you're not very fond of her" I state to which she rolls her eyes at.

"Oh, well, I didn't think it was that obvious" she tells me sarcastically causing me to let out a breathy laugh.

My eyes find their way back to Blythe as she shuts her locker. The hallway begins to chatter away so I could see she felt more comfortable. Her eyes wanders around the hallway looking at each and every student until they meet mine and wow, her electric blue eyes was one to never forget. And that, I didn't.

B  L Y T H E • S L A T E R

Our eyes meet. The hazel colour of his eyes holds such curiosity and wonder.

I don't think I've seen him before, ever. Well, how would I know? I have been away for two years. Deciding to disregard him, I am the first to unlock our eyes and I begin to move down the hall. I try avoiding any people who have questions about my whereabouts. The rumours you hear are funny to say the least.

Someone thought I had gotten pregnant with a collage student.

Another thought I had gone to rehab because of a sudden attempt at an 'overdose'.

Many thought, I had gone to young offenders for a crime I committed.

I carry on with my trek to registration. I had to sign in first in order to go to my first lesson and well, I'm not looking forward to meeting my old class again. Right now I'm the old student new to this term.

Finally, making it to my classroom, I open the door to see my form tutor sitting at her desk.

"Morning Miss Osbourne" I break the silence and her head snaps up, her eyes zoning in on mine. As if a lightbulb had gone off in her head, her eyes shine with recognition.

"No way, Blythe Slater? Is that really you?" I smile warmly and nod my head. "My my, you've changed. Gosh, your hair. You cut it. I remember it being waist length long, and the colour was obviously purple. Quite badass you were back then" I laugh a little.

"Yeah, I thought I should just be me. My natural colour" I shrug

"Been too long since I've last seen that natural red" she jokes and I laugh alongside her. I walk further in and take a seat opposite from her at the front row. "How have you been?" I sigh and look down fiddling with my fingers.

"It's been hard. I made a promise to myself though... I'm going to be a better person this time around. Stay with the right crowd; that's if they would want me around them." Miss tuts and shakes her head.

"Of course they would. You're a special girl Bee" I cringe at the nickname that I once liked. Now all it does is remind me of them. The reason for my disappearance two years ago.

"How long till the first bell?" She looks down at her watch and taps it.

"About... 5 minutes" I nod my head and drop my back pack on the table.

"I'm going to use the ladies. Brb" I tell her as she smiles back at me. Just as I'm about to leave the room, she stops me. I turn around and meet her love filled eyes.

"It's good to see you back" I smile at her and nod before exiting. Sadly, I can't say the same. I hate this hell hole. Maybe I shouldn't have come back but hey, wasn't my choice.

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